SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Absorbance, Reflectivity and Transmittance Absorption and Reflection Above Eg Absorption and Reflection Spectra Absorption, Reflection and Nonlinear Optical Effects Advancing Robust Regulation Reflections and Lessons to Be Learned Advantages and Disadvantages of Reflectance Sampling Antireflection Coatings and Reflectivity Control Complex reflection and transmission coefficient Discussion and reflection Electromagnetic Spectrum Transmittance, Absorptance, and Reflectance Endoscopic Fiber Endoscopes for Confocal Reflectance and Real-Time Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Fresnel reflection and transmission General Optical Propagation and Reflection Normal Incidence Green Chemistry Education in Brazil Contemporary Tendencies and Reflections at Secondary School Level Language Reflect Underlying Differences in the Ways That Miners and Investigators Warrant Judgments About Risk Layered Polymers-Transmission and Reflection Light Absorption and Reflection Light reflection and refraction Light scattering and reflection Low Refractive Index and Anti-Reflection Effect Magnetism and Reflectivity Mirror reflectivity, and NON-FAMILY REFLECTIONS AND ORTHOGONAL PLANES Neutron and X-ray reflectivity Optical diagnostics of nanometer dielectric films by combining ellipsometry and differential reflectance Optical reflectance and ellipsometric Phenomena Involving the Absorption and Reflectance of Light Photocurrent, photovoltage and microwave reflectance methods Plasma Absorption and Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves Bouguer Law Critical Electron Density Polarization-Modulation Spectrometry and its Application to Reflection-Absorption Measurements Radiation Exchange with Transmitting, Reflecting, and Absorbing Media Reflectance (diffuse and specular) spectroscopy Reflectance spectra of meteorites and asteroids Reflection and Luster Reflection and Refraction Coefficients Reflection and Refraction from a Planar Interface Reflection and Refraction of Electromagnetic Radiation at a Multiple-phase Boundary Reflection and Refraction of Electromagnetic Radiation at a Two-phase Boundary Reflection and Refraction of Light Reflection and Refraction of Plane Waves Reflection and Refraction of X-Rays Reflection and Transmission at a Plane Boundary Reflection and Transmission at an Interface Reflection and Transmission by a Slab Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic Waves Reflection and absorption Reflection and backscattering Reflection and filtering at optical component interfaces Reflection and penetration depth Reflection and refraction at a plane surface Reflection and transmission Reflection and transmission amplitudes Reflection and transmission properties Reflection bandwidth and spot size Reflection, Absorption, and Transmission Reflection, refraction and diffraction Reflection, refraction, and the Fresnel equations Reflective and Transflective Liquid Crystal Displays Reflectivity and Dielectric Properties Reflectivity and Raman scattering Refraction and Reflection Refraction, reflection and absorption of light Regular and Mach Reflection of Detonation Waves Seismic Velocity Techniques and Bottom Simulating Reflections Selective absorption and reflection Shock Wave Propagation and Reflection in Solid Materials Solvent drag, reflection coefficient and the pore concept Spreading and reflecting layer Symmetry Planes and Reflections Symmetry and reflection intensities Techniques for Reflectance and Emission Measurements The theory of IR reflection and transmission Thoughtful and Reflective Practice Transmission and Reflection Measurements Transmittance and Diffuse Reflectance Tunneling, Transmission, and Reflection Ultraviolet (UV) and Diffuse Reflectance Spectra Vitrinite reflectance limits and ASTM coal rank X-Ray Diffraction and Reflectivity X-ray reflection and diffraction