SEARCH Articles Figures Tables A Charged Particle in an Electromagnetic Field A dash of physics the forces acting between particles carrying electric charge Activation Analysis with Charged Particles Activation analysis charged particle reactions Activation by charged particles Analysis of charged particles for charge, mass and energy Application to Charge Regulation between Particles Association processes between oppositely charged latex particles Attraction, of charged particles Binary Mixture of Charged Particles CHARGED-PARTICLE SPECTROSCOPY CPAA (charge particle activation Capillary forces spherical charged particle Charge Particle Activation Analysis Charge Transfer Processes at Semiconductor Particles Charge density, charged particles Charge fundamental particles Charge loss, particles Charge measurement by particle mobility (electrostatic precipitation) Charge of particles Charge on a particle Charge subatomic particles Charge-particle time invariance Charge-stabilized particles Charged Particle Activation Analysis (CPAA Charged Particle Beam Transport and Analysis Charged Particle Tracks in Liquids Charged Particle in a Quadrupole Field Charged Particle in an Electrolyte Charged Particles and y Rays Charged Particles in a Solution Charged Particles with Matter Charged colloidal particles, diffusion coefficients Charged particle activation analysis Charged particle attraction Charged particle beam transport Charged particle chemistry Charged particle collisions Charged particle lithography Charged particle surface area Charged particle transmutation products Charged particles Charged particles Charged particles average energy losses Charged particles binary mixture Charged particles boundary conditions Charged particles charge-current density Charged particles collision rate Charged particles concentration polarization Charged particles cross sections Charged particles dispersions Charged particles droplets Charged particles electric field Charged particles electrodynamic properties Charged particles electrostatic force between Charged particles energy loss Charged particles fluctuation Charged particles fluxes Charged particles heavy Charged particles in the atmosphere Charged particles induced dipole moment Charged particles inelastic interaction Charged particles interaction Charged particles ionization losses Charged particles linear energy transfer Charged particles local equilibrium Charged particles near field Charged particles nuclei excitation Charged particles particle activation Charged particles polarization field Charged particles ranges Charged particles secondary electrons generation Charged particles stopping power Charged particles track structure Charged particles trajectory Charged particles velocity Charged particles weighting factor Charged particles with condensed medium Charged particles with medium Charged particles with molecular medium Charged particles, VIII Charged particles, accelerating Charged particles, cyclotron acceleration Charged particles, detect Charged particles, detection Charged particles, elementary Charged particles, fast-moving, energy losses Charged particles, fusion Charged particles, nuclei Charged-particle accelerator Charged-particle density Charged-particle detectors Charged-particle state Charged-particle state electron models Charged-particle-induced reactions Charging a Spherical Particle Charging of particles Charging or Discharging Particles Classical and Quantum Mechanics in the Theory of Charged-Particle Stopping Colloidal particles electrical charges Current density, charged particles Diffusion of charged particles Dispersions of Charged Particles Dispersions, nonaqueous, particle charge Dose Due to Charged Particles Dose from a Source of Charged Particles Inside the Body Dust explosion, from particle charges Electric charge of particles Electric charging of particles Electric polarization field, charged particles Electrical Forces Due to Charge of Particles Electrical charge of particles Electrically-charged particles Electrically-charged particles (ion Electrodynamics, charged particles Electromagnetic theory charged-particle state Electron A negatively charged particle that Electron A negatively charged particle that mass and charge Electrons Negatively charged particles Electrons Negatively charged particles valence, 7, 8 (Table Electrophoresis of Nonuniformly Charged Soft Particles Electrostatic charge particles Electrostatic precipitation particle charging Electrostatic repulsive force between charged particles Electrostatic separator particle-charging device Emission of charged particles Energy Levels of Charged Particles in Condensed Phases Fillers particle charge Force charged particles Free particle charge-dipole interaction Heavy Particles Charge Exchange and Nuclear Stopping Hydrophilic particles, charging Image development, particle charge Interaction of Two Moving Charged Particles Interaction potential charged particles Interface alteration particle charging Ions - simple charged particles or not Kinetic energy of the charged particle Latex particles surface charge Linear accelerators charged particles Liposomes particle charge Liquid-solid contact, particle charge Magnetic polarization field, charged particles Measurement particle charge Metal-to-particle charge-transfer Mobility expression charged particles NO Synthesis Provided in Non-Thermal Plasma by Charged Particles Negative charge, subatomic particles Net Charge of a Particle The Isoelectric Point Neutron Detection by (n, Charged Particle) Reaction Nonlinear, Band-structure, and Surface Effects in the Interaction of Charged Particles with Solids Nuclear reactions charged-particle Osmotic pressure charged particles Particle Charge Balance Particle based density/charge distribution Particle charge back discharge Particle charge density Particle charge detector Particle charge, nonaqueous Particle charge, worked example Particle charged radicals Particle charging Particle charging Particle charging beneficial Particle clustering electrostatic charging Particle contact charge Particle diffusion charging Particle field charging Particle interface alteration charge Particle surface charge density Particle thermionic emission charging Particle, charged primary Particle, charged secondary Particle, suspended, electrostatic charges Particles electric charge Particles equally charged Particles strongly charged Particles surface charge segregation Particles weakly charged Particles, charged, inelastic collisions Particles, charged, interaction with molecules Particles, subatomic electric charges Photon vs. charged-particle ionization Plasma Species and Factors Active for Sterilization Direct Effect of Charged Particles Point charge particle-shaped states Positive charge, subatomic particles Potential and Charge of a Hard Particle Potential and Charge of a Soft Particle Potential energy of charged particles Powder charging particle size Principal Considerations Related to Energy Transfer from Charged Particles Proton A positively charged particle Proton A positively charged particle atomic nucleus Proton A positively charged particle mass and charge Proton A positively charged subatomic particle Protons Positively charged particles that Range of Heavy Charged Particles Ranges of charged particles Repulsion, charged particles SOLUTIONS OF CHARGED MACROMOLECULES AND PARTICLES Semiconductor particle charge transfer Semiconductor particle charge transfer processes Sources of Charged Particles Spherical charged particle Spherical particles, charge flocculated Stability of Charged and Neutral Particles Surface Charge of Colloidal Particles Suspensions Containing Charged Particles Suspensions Containung Non-charged Particles The Interaction of Two Charged Particles The Net Total Particle Charge Surface Potential The interaction of charged particles with electromagnetic fields The kinetics of photoinduced interfacial charge transfer in semiconductor particles The space charge layer within semiconductor particles Theories of X-Ray Emission by Charged Particles Thermodynamics of photoinduced charge transfer in semiconductor particles Track heavy charged particles Track of charged particles Weakly Charged Spherical Soft Particles Zeta-potential measurement particles, charge