SEARCH Articles Figures Tables A materials characteristic length and microstructure And microstructure control Assembling and Bonding of Metal Microstructures Chemistry of Microstructure and Nanostructure Coast-and-island microstructure Coast-and-lsland Microstructure Control of Shapes and Microstructures Controlled Crystal Growth and Microstructural Evolution Copolymer Composition and Microstructure Correlations of the catalyst microstructure with catalytic activity and selectivity Determination of chemical composition and molecular microstructure Effect of Chain Microstructures and Operation Conditions Electrochemical Methods for 3D Microstructure Fabrication Additive Plating and Wet Subtractive Etching Fine-Phase Microstructures and Attainment Grain Growth and Other Microstructural Changes Grain-growth kinetics and microstructure evolution of nanocrystalline iron In Microstructure and Microtribology of Polymer Surfaces Tsukruk Interfacial Tension and Microstructure Interfacial microstructure and processes Interrelationship between microstructure and application properties Lateral Epitaxy and Microstructure in Selectively Grown GaN on SiC Substrates MATERIALS AND MICROSTRUCTURES MICROSTRUCTURE AND MOLECULAR WEIGHT Materials Processing and Microstructure Melting and Forming Glass Half Products for Microstructuring Microstructural characterisation recent developments and overall Microstructural features and their effect on properties Microstructure Control and Design Microstructure Development and Monitoring in Reactive Blending Microstructure and Materials Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior Microstructure and Reactivity Ratios Microstructure and Thermal Conductivity Microstructure and Thermal Properties Microstructure and compositions of the hydration products Microstructure and its Evolution Microstructure and materials properties Microstructure and mechanical properties Microstructure and piezoelectricity Microstructure heterogeneity and Microstructures Properties and Characterization Models of Microstructure and its Evolution Morphological and Microstructural Stability Morphology and Microstructural Aspects Nano-and Microstructuring of Polymers Pad Microstructures and Macrostructures Parallel chemical studies and correlations with the catalyst microstructure Phase compositions, microstructures and causes of high strength Phase diagrams and microstructures Physical and microstructural effects Plate heat exchangers and microstructured reactors Plate heat exchangers and microstructured reformers Polymer Chemistry and Microstructure Preparation, Microstructure, and Properties of Biofibers Properties and Selected Applications of Microstructured Glass Devices Properties, Characterization and Microstructure of Ion Exchange Membranes Purity and Microstructure Relations between strength and microstructure or pore size distribution Relationship Between the Microstructure and Strength of Cement Paste Sintering and Microstructure of Ceramics Sintering and microstructure Structures and microstructures Synthesis and microstructure Synthesis, Microstructure and Properties of High-Strength Porous Ceramics System Design and Integrated Microstructured Reactors The Chemical Composition and Microstructure of Linen The Chemical Composition and Microstructure of Silk The Importance of Proper Microstructural Determination and Control in Polyolefins The Microstructure and Martensitic Transformation in a (Potentially) Shape-Memory Ni-AI-Ti-B Alloy The solidification process and matrix microstructure X-ray diffraction and microstructure of slags ZrO2 based materials treatments and microstructures