SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Acetic acid standard states Activities and Standard States An Overall View Activities and Standard States of Strong Electrolytes Activities, Activity Coefficients and Standard States Activity and standard states Activity and the Standard State Activity coefficient pure-component standard state Activity coefficients and solution standard states Allotropes standard state And standard state Aqueous solutions standard state Biochemical standard state Boiling Point and the Standard-State Pressure Bulgarian state standard Carbon standard state Chemical Potentials and Standard States Chemical elements standard state Chemical potential Standard State Chemical reaction standard state Gibbs energy change Chemical reaction standard state heat Chemical standard state modified Choice of Standard States Choices for Standard States in Gamma Methods Compound standard state Computed standard state enthalpies Domalski-Hearing Group Contribution Values for Standard State Thermal Properties Drinking Water Standards In the United States Electrochemistry standard-state conditions Element, standard state Empirical Estimates of Standard State Entropy Enthalpy of formation standard state values Enthalpy other than standard-state Enthalpy standard state thermal properties Enthalpy standard-state changes Enthalpy standard-state reaction change Entropy change standard state Entropy standard state values Entropy standard states Equilibrium constant standard state Ethanol standard states Free energy profiles standard states Free energy standard state Fugacity standard state Gases standard state Gibbs energy of formation standard state values Gibbs energy standard state Gibbs free energy standard-state Half-cell potentials standard-state reduction Heat capacity standard state Heat capacity standard state values Helium, standard state pressure Henrian standard state Ideal gas standard state Ideal solution standard states for Indoor Air Quality Standards In the United States Infinite-dilution standard-state Introduction standard state Lewis-Randall standard state Lower oxidation states standard reduction potentials Measurement Against a Standard in the Solid State Melts oxide, standard states Mercury standard state Metabolism standard states Methane standard state Molality standard state, chemical Molality standard state, chemical potential Molar standard-state free-energy change Molten salts standard states More on Standard States National Institute of Standards and Technology not subject to copyright in the United States opyright Outdoor Air Quality Standards In the United States Oxide components standard states Oxygen standard state Partial molar volume standard state Phosphorus standard state Possible Standard States for the Adsorbed Material Pressure standard-state Pressure standard-state temperature Pure substances, standard states Pure-component standard states Raoultian and Henrian standard states Reaction, heat standard state Real gases standard state Real solutions, reference and standard states Redox reactions spontaneity under standard-state conditions Redox reactions standard state Redox reactions standard state potentials Reduced standard-state chemical potential Reduced standard-state chemical potential difference Reduced standard-state chemical potential method Reduced standard-state chemical potential method III Reduced standard-state chemical potential temperature Reduction to standard states Reference and standard states SI Units and the Standard-State Pressure Selection of the standard state Sodium standard state Solute standard state Solutes, thermodynamic standard state Solutions standard state Special Topic 1 Standard States Spontaneity of Redox Reactions Under Conditions Other Than Standard State Spontaneity of Redox Reactions Under Standard-State Conditions Standard Oil Co (United States) Standard State Transformations Standard State and Thermodynamic Activity Standard State electrolyte Standard State exchanger component Standard State liquid Standard State solid Standard State solvent Standard States Again Standard States Based on Henrys Law Standard States Based on Raoults Law Standard States Using Fugacities Standard States for Free-Energy Changes Standard moisture state Standard potential state, definition Standard reference states Standard semicrystalline state Standard state 1 molality Standard state Gibbs energy change Standard state Gibbs energy change reaction temperature Standard state Henry’s law Standard state Raoultian Standard state Thermochemical Standard state alternative Standard state arbitrariness Standard state based on mole fractions Standard state cell potential Standard state cell voltage Standard state combustion reaction Standard state combustion reaction compounds Standard state conversion Standard state cycles Standard state data Standard state defined Standard state dilute solutions Standard state elemental Standard state enthalpies Standard state for activity Standard state for aqueous solutes Standard state for aqueous solutions Standard state for gases Standard state for the solvent Standard state hydrogen half-cell Standard state infinitely dilute solution Standard state of a gas Standard state of a liquid Standard state of a molecular substance Standard state of a solid Standard state of a solution Standard state of adsorbate Standard state of pure substances Standard state of solutes Standard state of solutions Standard state of water Standard state radius Standard state selection Standard state species activity based Standard state strong electrolytes Standard state temperature Standard state types Standard state, biological Standard state, biological thermodynamic Standard state, chemical Standard state, definition Standard states based on Henry’s law Standard states changing Standard states choice Standard states concentration, 248 pressure Standard states electrode potential Standard states enthalpy and Standard states fixed pressure Standard states for solutions Standard states fraction Standard states hypothetical Standard states infinitely dilute weight percent Standard states of oxide components Standard states overall view Standard states pressure dependent Standard states summary Standard states symbols Standard states thermochemical databases Standard states unsymmetrical Standard states variable Standard states variable pressure Standard states volume Standard states, conventional Standard states, conventional reactions Standard states, use Standard thermodynamic state Standard-state Free Energies, Equilibrium Constants, and Concentrations Standard-state conditions Standard-state corrections Standard-state free-energy change Standard-state potential, determining Standard-state potential, determining voltammetry Standard-state reaction Standardization Steady state Standards state of the art State governments, development standards State-of-the-Art Commercial Instruments, Standards, and Calibration Surface concentration standard states TABLE A.3 Standard-State Enthalpies, Free Energies The Ideal One Molal Standard State The infinite dilution standard state Thermochemical equations and standard states Thermochemistry standard states Thermochemistry standard-state enthalpy changes Thermodynamic properties standard state values Thermodynamic property, standard states Thermodynamic standard state unless otherwise specified) Thermodynamics entropy standard state Thermodynamics standard states United States Biodegradation Standards United States Military Standards United States National Bureau Standards United States National Institute of Standards and United States Pharmacopeia Standards United States Pharmacopeia reference standards United States Pharmacopeia standards development United States of America Standard United States standards Unsteady-state Kinetics of the Standard SCR Reaction Vapor phase standard state Variable Temperature Standard States Water standard state