SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Activities of Dissolved Species, Ionic Strength Activity coefficient at high ionic strengths Activity coefficient high ionic strength Activity coefficient ionic strength Activity coefficient, variation with ionic strength Activity, ionic strength and dielectric constant Activity-ionic strength relation Actual ionic strength Adsorption ionic strength dependence Ampholytes ionic strength And ionic strength Apparent equilibrium constant ionic strength Aqueous phase ionic strength Aqueous systems ionic strength Aqueous systems ionic strength, solution reaction equilibria At high ionic strengths B IONIC STRENGTH CORRECTIONS Biochemical reaction thermodynamics ionic strength Bonded stationary phases ionic strength Brines ionic strength Buffers of constant ionic strength No added electrolyte Calcium carbonate ionic strength effect Calcium ionic strength dependence Capillary electrophoresis ionic strength Carbonate system ionic strength effects Catalytic Currents ionic strength Cobalt ionic strength dependence Coiled conformation, polyelectrolytes high-ionic-strength solutions Concentration relationship with ionic strength Conductivity measurements ionic strength determination Constant ionic strength buffers with added electrolyte Constant ionic strength equilibrium Constant ionic strength, (Table Copper ionic strength dependence Correction to zero ionic strength Critical total ionic strength Dendrimer ionic strength Dependence of equilibrium constants on ionic strength Dependence on ionic strength Dissociation constants, effect ionic strength, Effect of Ionic Strength on Ion Dissociation Effect of ionic strength Effect of ionic strength on ion reaction rates in solution Effect of pH and Ionic Strength on Immobilization Effective ionic strength Effects of Ionic Strength and pH on the Polyelectrolyte Star Conformation Effects of ionic strength and Effects of ionic strength on biochemical reaction thermodynamics Electroosmosis ionic strength Elementary reactions ionic strength Empirical extension using a term linear in ionic strength Enthalpy ionic strength Enzyme ionic strength Equilibrium ionic strength dependence Estimations based on experimental values of equilibrium constants at different ionic strength Filling solutions ionic strength Films ionic strength effects Force ionic strength dependence Gibbs energies ionic strength Heat-induced antigen retrieval ionic strength High ionic strength High ionic strength solution High performance liquid chromatography ionic strength Hydrogen ions reaction, ionic strength I Ionic strength Immiscibility Ionic strength Influence of ionic strength Influence of the Ionic Strength Interfacial tension ionic strength effects Ionic Strength and Debye-Hiickel Theory Ionic Strength of the Medium Ionic Strength of the Solution Ionic bonding strength Ionic bonds strength Ionic compounds electrolytic strength Ionic mobility strength Ionic product strength, definition Ionic strength Davies equation Ionic strength Debye-Huckel relation Ionic strength Term Links Ionic strength acid transition Ionic strength activity Ionic strength adjuster Ionic strength adjusting Ionic strength adjustment Ionic strength adsorption Ionic strength adsorption constant Ionic strength basic equations Ionic strength binding calculations Ionic strength calculation Ionic strength capacity Ionic strength changes Ionic strength chemical equilibrium Ionic strength chloride example Ionic strength coefficients Ionic strength constant Ionic strength constant derivation Ionic strength control Ionic strength corrections Ionic strength corrections at temperatures other than Ionic strength defined Ionic strength dependence Ionic strength dependence of rate constants Ionic strength dependence of the Ionic strength dismutase reactions Ionic strength effect on activity coefficients Ionic strength effects on protein Ionic strength enzymatic activity Ionic strength factor Ionic strength glycolysis Ionic strength influence Ionic strength modification Ionic strength molal Ionic strength molar Ionic strength of a solution Ionic strength of milk Ionic strength of seawater Ionic strength of solutions Ionic strength on the interaction Ionic strength oxidation-reduction reactions Ionic strength parameters evaluated from Ionic strength polyelectrolyte Ionic strength protocols Ionic strength rate effects Ionic strength reaction Ionic strength responsive brushes Ionic strength ribonuclease Ionic strength stoichiometric Ionic strength supporting medium, effect Ionic strength systems Ionic strength terpolymers Ionic strength thermodynamic properties’ plots Ionic strength transformed thermodynamic properties Ionic strength volumes Ionic strength zwitterion contribution Ionic strength, Color Plate Ionic strength, and dielectric constant Ionic strength, calculation definition Ionic strength, definition Ionic strength, definition rates Ionic strength, drug stability Ionic strength, micellar electrokinetic Ionic strength, micellar electrokinetic chromatography Ionic strength, mobile-phase effects Ionic strength, permeation effect Ionic strength, polyelectrolyte solutions Ionic strength, steric considerations Ionic strength, surface area Ionic strength, surface area function Ionic strength, swelling dependence Ionic, effect strength Ionic-strength principle Ions ionic strength Lead ionic strength dependence Lewis-Randall, ionic strength Limiting laws, ionic strength Liquid phase reactions ionic strength dependence Liquid-phase adsorptions ionic strength Lithium ionic strength dependence Magnesium ionic strength dependence Manganese ionic strength dependence Matrix ionic strength Measurement of Ionic Strength Mercury ionic strength dependence Micelle ionic strength effect Microemulsions ionic strength Mobile phase ionic strength Nickel ionic strength dependence Nucleic acid ionic strength Organic solutes adsorption, from aqueous ionic strength PH and ionic strength, effect PLIMSTEX in Biologically Relevant Media and High Ionic Strength Particles ionic strength Peptides ionic strength optimization Phosphate buffer ionic strength effect Plutonium ionic strength dependence Polarity and Ionic Strength Polymer clusters ionic strength Pre-lab 5.3.c Ionic Strength Considerations Proteins ionic strength effects Rate constant ionic strength dependence Rates, reaction ionic strength effects Relationship with ionic strength Sepharose ionic strength effect Several data at different ionic strengths Silver ionic strength dependence Size exclusion ionic strength Size-exclusion chromatography ionic strength effects Solubility ionic-strength effect Solubility product with ionic strength Solution chemistry ionic strength Solution pH and ionic strength Solution, ionic strength Sorption processes ionic strength Stoichiometric and Effective Ionic Strength Strengths, ionic, Debye-Huckel TISAB (total ionic strength adjustment Temperature and Ionic Strength , Effects on Equilibria Using pC-pH Diagrams Texturization ionic strengths The Carrier Ampholytes, Ionic Strength and Influence on Solubility of Proteins The Effect of Ionic Strength on Reactions between Ions The Ionic Strength of a Solution The ionic strength The ionic strength and non-ideality Thermodynamics ionic strength, transformed properties tables Thorium ionic strength Titanium ionic strength dependence Total ionic strength adjustment Total ionic strength adjustment buffer Total ionic strength adjustment buffer TISAB) Total ionic strength buffer Transformed thermodynamic properties, biochemical ionic strength Trivalent ionic strength dependence Uranium ionic strength dependence Use of cells to determine mean activity coefficients and their dependence on ionic strength Vanadium ionic strength dependence Vanadium zero ionic strength Variable-ionic-strength kinetic Variable-ionic-strength kinetic experiments Water ionic strength dependence Water zero ionic strength Worked examples ionic strength Zero Ionic Strength Data at High Pressure Zero ionic strength Zirconium ionic strength