SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Bacterial proteins, target peptides Calmodulin, binding target enzymes/proteins Cellular retinoic acid binding proteins gene targeting Computational protein design target structures Detection of target proteins Drug targets allosteric proteins Drug targets, protein kinases Endoplasmic reticulum protein targeting from Eukaryotes protein targeting Eukaryotic Proteins Targeted for Secretion Are Synthesized in the Endoplasmic Reticulum Finding protein targets Folding of an Intrinsically Disordered Protein Upon Binding to a Target Foreign protein accumulation, target Functional group targets proteins Functional targets Proteins Glycogen targeting protein subunit H4 Protein targeting HMGA proteins as potential drug targets Heat shock proteins, molecular targets Labeling of the Target Protein MRNA profiling protein targets Membrane transport proteins targeting Membrane transport proteins targetting Methotrexate , target protein Mitochondrial targeting signals inner membrane proteins Mitochondrial targeting signals intermembrane space proteins Mitochondrial targeting signals matrix proteins Mitochondrial targeting signals membrane proteins Monoclonal antibodies targeted against protein mediators Monoclonal antibodies targeted against receptor proteins Mucosally targeted protein Non-Protein Kinases as Therapeutic Targets Oligonucleotides: Superspecific Ligand for Targeting Nucleic Acids and Proteins Organometallic Compounds Targeting Specific Protein Residues Other Target Proteins Peptides that bound target proteins Peroxisomes, protein targeting signals Peroxisomes, protein targeting signals matrix proteins Peroxisomes, protein targeting signals membrane proteins Phage display technique, target protein Phage display technique, target protein identification Pharmacological Endpoint Reduction of Target mRNA and Protein Protein Signal sequence Targeting Protein Synthesis, Targeting, and Turnover Protein Targeting and Processing Protein Targeting with Small Molecules: Chemical Biology Techniques and Applications Protein design target structures Protein force fields target data Protein identify peptides that bound target Protein kinases as drug targets Protein kinases inhibitors/drug targets Protein phosphatases targeting subunits Protein sequence-structure target proteins Protein target isoform selective inhibitor Protein target-based virtual screening Protein targeting Protein targeting Protein targeting KDEL signal Protein targeting chaperones Protein targeting endoplasmic reticulum proteins Protein targeting exocytosis Protein targeting integral membrane proteins Protein targeting lysosomal proteins Protein targeting mannose 6-phosphate signal Protein targeting membrane-spanning proteins Protein targeting mitochondrial proteins Protein targeting nuclear localization signal Protein targeting nuclear proteins Protein targeting overview Protein targeting plasma membrane proteins Protein targeting proteins) Protein targeting proteins) Protein targeting receptor-mediated endocytosis Protein targeting secretory proteins Protein targeting signal peptidase Protein targeting signal recognition particle Protein targeting signal sequence (secretory Protein targeting, transgene Protein targets, hydrogen bonding interactions Protein targets, number Protein turnover targeting Protein-ligand binding affinity target proteins Protein-ligand interactions targets Proteins Are Targeted to Their Destination by Signal Sequences Proteins as Drugs and Drug Design Targets Enzymes Proteins as Drugs and Drug Design Targets Non-Enzymes Proteins targeted Proteins targeted Proteome analysis differential protein targeting RGS4 Protein Target Selective Targeting of Protein Interactions Mediated by BET Bromodomains Solvent Accessibility of Functional Targets in Proteins Target Cells for Macrophage Stimulating Protein Target Family Landscapes of Protein Kinases Target Protein(s) of Centrocountin Target Proteins by CCT Target family proteins, clustering Target for Inhibition of Protein Synthesis Target of Rapamycin proteins Target proteins identification Target proteins selection Target proteins small molecule data Target proteins targets Target-Based Virtual Screening on Small-Molecule Protein Binding Sites Targeted Biomarker Detection Via Whole Protein Analysis Targeted Delivery of Proteins to Specific Tissue Regions Targeted Intracellular Protein Degradation as a Potential Therapeutic Strategy Targeting Cell Membrane Proteins Ligand-Gated Ion Channels Targeting Cell Membrane Structures Protein Component The Chimaeric Origin of Mitochondrial Protein Import and Targeting The G Protein Cycle Is a Target for Certain Bacterial Toxins Translation protein targeting Transport proteins, drug targets Unfolded protein response targets Unique De-wetting Hot Spots in the Target Protein Provide a Blueprint for Drug Design