SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 1-Octanol-water partition coefficient temperature dependence 1-octanol-water partition coefficient relationships Absorption coefficient of water Absorption coefficients in water Activity Coefficient and Solubility in Water Activity Coefficient for Water in the Hydrate Activity coefficients 1 -octanol-water partition coefficient correlations Activity coefficients acetone/water Activity coefficients alcohol water mixtures Activity coefficients of ions in water Air-water partition coefficient And activity coefficient in water Apparent soil-water distribution coefficient Aromatic compounds octanol-water partition coefficients Barbiturate octanol-water partition coefficient Barbiturates lipid-water partition coefficients Biological organic phases-water partition coefficients Blood/dialysis water partition coefficient Carbon-water partition coefficients Characteristic root index-1-octanol-water partition coefficient Chromatographic parameter-1-octanol-water partition coefficient Coefficient in water Coefficient shift, water Coefficients in the System Ethanol-Water Coefficients of Water Cyclohexane/water partition coefficient Development octanol-water partition coefficient Diffusion coefficient of water Diffusion coefficients in pure water Diffusion coefficients water Diffusion coefficients, solute-water Equilibrium partition coefficients waters Equilibrium-partitioning coefficient octanol-water Equilibrium-partitioning coefficient water-solid Estimation of octanol-water partition coefficient Friction coefficient water Group contribution models 1 -octanol-water partition coefficient Heat transfer coefficients water in tubes Henrys Constant H for Various Compounds in Water at 25C from Infinite Dilution Activity Coefficients Hydrophobicity octanol-water partition coefficient Joule-Thompson coefficient water LDPE-water partition coefficient LDPE-water partition coefficient coefficients Lipid solubility, octanol-water partition coefficients Lipid-water partition coefficient Lipids Lipid-water partition coefficients Local Diffusion Coefficient of Water Local diffusion coefficient, water Membrane-water partition coefficient Membrane-water partition coefficient coefficients Membrane-water partition coefficient thermodynamics Modelling the diffusion coefficient D for solvents other than water Modelling the diffusion coefficient D for water as solvent Molar water solubilities, correlations partition coefficients Molecular diffusion coefficient in water N-octanol /water partition coefficient Nafion water diffusion coefficients Nafion water electroosmotic coefficient Nafion water self-diffusion coefficients Neutron Attenuation Coefficient of Water Oc tanol-water partition coefficient Octanoi-water partition Coefficient Octanol-water coefficient Octanol-water coefficient materials Octanol-water distribution coefficient Octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow Octanol-water partition coefficient coefficients Octanol-water partition coefficient description Octanol-water partition coefficient determination Octanol-water partition coefficient factor Octanol-water partition coefficient neural network prediction Octanol-water partition coefficient shake-flask method Octanol-water partition coefficient/log Octanol/water partition coefficient Octanol/water partition coefficient chemicals Octanol/water partition coefficient quantitative structure-activity Octanol/water partition coefficients atomic approach Octanol/water partition coefficients fragment approach Octanol/water partition coefficients historical Octanol/water partition coefficients methodology Octanol/water partition coefficients overview Octanol/water partitioning system partition coefficient characterization Octanol: water partition coefficients lipophilicity/hydrophilicity Octanol: water partition coefficients mixture toxicities Oil-water partition coefficient Organic carbon-water partition coefficient Organic liquid/water distribution coefficients Organic phase-water partition coefficient Organic water partition coefficient Organic-water partitioning coefficient Osmotic water permeability coefficient Osmotic water transfer coefficient PAHs, octanol-water partition coefficients Partition coefficient correlation with water solubility Partition coefficient in octanol-water Partition coefficient micelle/water Partition coefficients liposome-water Partition coefficients particle-water Partition coefficients soil/water system Permeability coefficient for water Permeability of Mucous Membranes and Octanol Water Partition Coefficients Polarity, octanol-water partition coefficient Polarizability-1 -octanol-water partition coefficient relationships Pollutants octanol-water partition coefficients Polymer-water partition coefficient Polymer-water partition coefficient coefficients Property-1-octanol-water partition coefficient correlations Rate coefficient for water exchange Reactions and reaction rate coefficients for the formation of water in star forming regions River water activity coefficients SOLUBILITY COEFFICIENTS OF AIR AT latm IN WATER SPMD-Water Partition Coefficients Sampler-water partition coefficient Second virial coefficient of water Second viscosity virial coefficient water Sediment organic carbon-water partition coefficient Sediment-water partition coefficient: Self-diffusion coefficient of water Soil-water distribution coefficient, correlation Soil-water distribution coefficients Soil-water partition regression coefficient Soil/water partition coefficients Solid-water distribution coefficient Solid-water distribution coefficient compound Solid-water partition coefficient Solubility 1 -octanol-water partition coefficient correlations Solubility octanol-water partition coefficients Solubility properties octanol-water partition coefficients Sorption phase-water partition coefficient Structure octanol-water partition coefficients Structure-1 -octanol-water partition coefficient relationships Suspended sediment/water partition coefficient The Distribution Coefficient of Iodine Between Water and Tetrachloromethane The Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient Thermal conductivity coefficient water Triolein-water partition coefficient Triolein-water partition coefficient coefficients Versus octanol-water partition coefficient Virial coefficients For water Virial coefficients of water Viscosity coefficient of water Water activity coefficients Water adsorption coefficients Water applications transmission coefficient Water coefficients, effect Water conductivity coefficient Water film coefficient Water flooding coefficient Water heat transfer coefficient Water hexane partition coefficient Water molecules diffusion coefficient Water osmotic coefficient Water partition coefficient Water penetration coefficient Water permeability coefficient Water permeation studies coefficient Water removal theory, of activity coefficients Water solubility coefficients Water solubility partition coefficient Water sorption coefficient Water spreading coefficient Water thermal expansion coefficient Water transfer coefficient Water transport coefficient Water vapor diffusion coefficient Water, properties compressibility coefficient Water, properties thermal expansion coefficient Water, self-diffusion coefficient Water, self-diffusion coefficient microemulsions Water, self-diffusion coefficient solutions Water, virial coefficient