SEARCH Articles Figures Tables AMBER functional form B — Time-Correlation Functional Form for the Relaxation Modulus Bridge to Analytic Forms The Harris Functional Canonical form of a quadratic response function D-orbitals functional forms Damage function general form Demand Functional Form Demand Functional Form Additive Density functional theory , glass-forming Density functional theory magnetization-dependent form Density functional theory other forms Density functional theory semiempirical form Discrete form of electromagnetic integral equations based on boxcar basis functions Distribution functions asymptotic forms Excitation functions functional form Expected profit functional form Expected utility functional form Fluid Bed Processes for Forming Functional Particles Yoshinobu Fukumori and Hideki Ichikawa Force field methods functional forms Form Factor Function Form and function Form factor analytic function Form follows function” principle Form function of a few characteristic structures Behaviour for large wave vector transfer Form function of an isolated chain Form function of an isolated chain exact results Form function of an isolated chain semi-phenomenological approaches, thermic sequences Form of Potential Functions Form of the Reduced Viscosity Function Form-function relationship Forming Functional Proteins Forms of Generating Functions Forms of Potential Energy Functions Free-energy function, glass-forming liquids Friction functional forms Functional Changes in Dosage Forms with Time Functional form Functional form Functionalization methods functional groups formed Functionalization to Form Carboxyl Groups Functions, mathematical form Functions, mathematical form potential Fuzzy functional forms Gaussian functions general form Heat capacity functional forms Heterogeneous chains apparent form functions Homogeneous polydisperse solute mean form function Hydrogen Bonding Formed by a Single Functional Group Instantons functional form Kinetic Models in the Form of Equations Containing Piecewise Continuous Functions Kinetic model function functional forms Langmuir isotherm functional form Lipoic acid functional form London-Eyring-Polanyi functional form Nanoscaled Clusters with Unusual Form-Function Relationships Nuclear dynamics energy functional form OPLS force fields functional form Organizational form function, organizing Other Changes in Functional Form Packaging value-forming function Performance Function for Objective Forms Permutational symmetry energy functional form Potential Energy Functional Forms Potential functions Lennard-Jones form Reactors Using Alternative Energy Forms for Green Synthetic Routes and New Functional Products Ring-forming functionalities Scalar velocity potential functional form Small form factor function Special Forms of the Viscoelastic Functions State Functions from Fundamental Forms Strong form test function Strong form weight function Symmetric properties energy functional form The Functional Form of Common Force Fields The GEM Functional Form Time-dependent density functional theory other forms Wave function polar form Wave function, antisymmetric determinant form