SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Blocking non-specific binding sites on the membrane Cellular membranes, specific recognition Cellular membranes, specific recognition functions Membrane area-specific resistance Membrane enzymes lipid specificity Membrane proteins specific lipid requirement Membrane receptors specificity Membrane receptors, specific recognition Membrane receptors, specific recognition functions Membrane resistance, specific Membrane specific complexation agent Membranes translocation carrier specificity Other Specific Interactions Mediated by Membrane Proteins Permselectivity of Specific Ions through the Ion Exchange Membrane in Electrodialysis Polymer membranes specific resistivity Prostate specific membrane antigen PSMA) Prostate-specific membrane antigen Reverse-osmosis membranes specifications Specific Aspects Attached to Ceramic Membranes Specific Binding of Alkylglycoside-derivatized AVP in Kidney Plasma Membranes Specifications membrane cells