SEARCH Articles Figures Tables A Charged Surface and Its Double Layer Adsorbed layer thickness surfaces Adsorbed layer, equilibrium surface aggregation Adsorbed surface layer, relaxation times Aerobic surface soil layer Agitation of the Surface Sub-layer Airway surface liquid layer Also Double layer interaction constant surface charge Aluminium surface layers Amorphous surface layer Anode-surface layer Apparent Surface Free Energy Calculated for Glass Plates Covered with Pure PS Layers Arsenic surface layer Aspects related to the oxide and other surface layers Austenitic stainless steels passivity alloy surface layers Basic Equations of Surface Layer Atmospheric Fluid Mechanics Biocompatible surface layers Boundary layer flows continuous flat surface Boundary layer, surface Boundary layers surface shear stress Carbon-rich surface layer Catalysis altered surface layers Catalyst layer surface property changes Char silicate surface layer Charge balances, triple-layer model surface complexes Coating layer surface Colloid-polymer surface layers Colloid-polymer surface layers, determined Colloid-polymer surface layers, electrical Composition of a surface layer Compositional analysis of surface layers Compositional analysis surface layers Consolidation analysis surface layer Constant surface potential model Double layer interaction Contributions of diffuse layer sorption and surface complexation Damaged surface layer Damaged surface layer depth Damaged surface layer metals Damaged surface layer semiconductors Depleted layer effect surface exclusion Dielectric surface layer Diffuse double layer ionic surface excesses Diffuse layer model adsorption, 378 surface Diffuse layer model metal surface complexation constants Diffusion Boundary Layer Near the Surface of a Drop (Bubble) Diffusion Boundary Layer Near the Surface of a Particle Diffusion-convection layer near electrode surface Disordered surface layer Disordered surface layer amorphization Disordered surface layer particles size Dissolution Kinetics in Terms of Surface Adsorption Layers Double layer surface charge Double layer surface states Double layer, electric surface conduction Dynamic Behavior of a Quasi-Liquid Layer on the Ice Surface Effect of Surface Inhomogeneity on Ion Penetration into the Pores during Double-Layer hargingDischarging Effects of Temperature on the Surface Layer Elastic surface layer Electric double-layer surface potential calculation Electrical double layer, surface charge Electrical interfacial layer surface complexation model Electrocatalyst surface oxygen layers Electrode surfaces diffusion-convection layer Electron transfer at surfaces through a blocking layer Electron transfer reactions at surface films and passive layers Electroneutral surface layers Electronic properties, layer electron transfer, metallic surfaces Electronic properties, passive layers electron transfer, metallic surfaces Equilibrium surface layer Ethylene, carbon layers surface Extrusions, surface-layer orientation Fatty surface layers, structure Gate Dielectrics and Surface Passivation Layers for Organic Field Effect Transistors Gel layer surface Gelatinous surface layer Gold surfaces, double-layer capacity Gradient surface layers Graft surface layer thickness Grafted surface layer Grain refined surface layers Graphite surface boundary layer controlled Half-space interaction layered surfaces Helmholtz layer surface states Hydrodynamic boundary layer near strongly retarded bubble surface Hydrogenated amorphized surface layer Hydrolysis—triple-layer model surface Ideal surface layers and model isotherms Imaging the PS Layer Surface with an Optical Profilometer Interfacial Layer and Surface Tension LC Alignment through Photoactive Surface Layers Langmuir Surface Layers of Insoluble Materials on Liquids Latex surface layer Layer flow free surface Layer silicates surfaces Layered double hydroxides surface modification Layered silicates surface modification Layered surfaces Layered surfaces Layering, prewetting, and wetting transitions of water near hydrophilic surfaces Layers surface machining Martensitic surface layer Matte surface layer Mean Velocity Profiles in the Nonadiabatic Surface Layer Metal surface layer Monitoring of Surface Layers Mono-molecular surface layer Multi-scale model surface layer Nanostructures surface passivation layer Neutron reflectivity surface layer thickness Non-equilibrium surface forces caused by dynamic adsorption layers Non-ideal surface layer Nonuniformly Charged Surface Layer Isoelectric Point Oceans surface mixed layer Outermost surface layer Oxidized surface soil layer Oxygen surface layers Paramagnetic probes of layer silicate surface Passive surface layer Photoreceptors surface layers Polymer adsorbed layers surface pressure Polymer-colloid surface layers, electro-optics Polymer-colloid surface layers, electro-optics properties Porous surface layers Potential distribution across a surface charge layer Primary surface layer Probes of layer silicate surfaces Protective surface layer Raising operator surface layers Rayleigh wave layered surfaces Reorientation of Surface Quasi-Nematic Layers Schlieren Studies of the Surface Sub-layers Schottky surface charge layer Signal transfer surface layer Silicon-containing layer, surface Silicone, particles stabilized surface layer Single oxides, surface and passive layers Single-crystal surfaces double-layer capacity Structure and Properties of Surface Layers Structure of Surface Layers Structure of water layers at hydrophilic surfaces Sub-surface layer Surface Charge and Debye Layer Capacitance Surface Charge and the Electric Double Layer Surface Charges and Electrical Double Layer Background Surface Engineering by Coating of Hydrophilic Layers Bioadhesion and Biocontamination Surface Force Boundary Layer Approximation Surface Force Boundary Layer Approximation SFBLA) Surface Induced Spinodal Decomposition Leading to Layered Coexisting Phases Surface Layer Formation—Planarization Surface Layers and Creep Corrosion Surface adsorption layer model Surface adsorption layer, molecular Surface adsorption layer, molecular interaction Surface area Layered manganese oxides Surface charge density diffuse double layer Surface charge layer Surface chemical properties graphene layer Surface complex triple-layer model Surface complexation models Stem layer model Surface complexation models diffuse layer model Surface compressive layers Surface conducting layer, diamond Surface coverage layers Surface density, diffuse double layer Surface differential double layer capacity Surface dipole layer Surface dipole layer, formation Surface double layer Surface enamel layer Surface excess, polymer adsorption layers Surface excitons in the presence of a transition layer Surface forces electrical double layer Surface forces measurement brush layer interactions Surface from single 2D layers to finite slab Surface graft layers, stability Surface ideal adsorbed layer Surface insulated layer Surface layer INDEX Surface layer atomic density changes Surface layer composition Surface layer composition, thin films Surface layer homology Surface layer immobilization Surface layer magnetization Surface layer order parameter Surface layer orientation Surface layer porosity Surface layer properties Surface layer proteins Surface layer proteins properties Surface layer proteins structure Surface layer resistance Surface layer saturation Surface layer silicate, paramagnetic Surface layer silicon carbide Surface layer thickness Surface layer, chemical potential Surface layer, chemical potential thickness Surface layer/cake Surface layers polymers Surface layers preparation Surface layers preparation alumina layer Surface layers preparation anodic oxidation Surface layers preparation chemical treatment Surface layers preparation deposition Surface layers preparation doping Surface layers preparation high-temperature treatment Surface layers preparation liquid phase deposition, coating Surface layers preparation physical vapor deposition Surface layers preparation porous oxide layer Surface layers preparation suspensions Surface layers preparation thickness Surface layers preparation zeolite growth Surface layers rheology Surface metallic oxide layer Surface micro-layer Surface mixed layer Surface mixed sediment layer Surface mixed sediment layer model Surface mixed water layer Surface mobile layer molecular weight Surface modifications passive layers Surface mono-layers Surface potential electron accumulation layer Surface potential, change with number layers Surface reaction layer Surface region electrical double layer thickness Surface roughness, poly silicon layers Surface single layer Surface temperature dust layers Surface vibration layered materials Surface-Layer Formation Surface-active layer Surface-electrolyte interface layer Surface-induced layering Surface-induced wetting layer Surface-insoluble layer Surface-layer flux measurement Surfaces electrical double layer Surfaces electrochemical double layer capacitors The Disordered Surface Layer The electrolyte double layer surface tension, charge density, and capacity Thermal boundary layer constant surface heat flux Thick Surface Charge Layer and Donnan Potential Thickness of surface layer Three-layer polysilicon surface Two Parallel Plates Covered with Surface Layers Types of asphalts for asphalt base, binder course and surface layers Water layers at hydrophilic surfaces Wear resistant surface layers Wind Profiles in the Nonadiabatic Surface Layer