SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Approximations of MO theory Hartree-Fock Bond breaking Hartree-Fock theory Bond dissociation Hartree-Fock theory Coulomb potential Hartree-Fock theory Coupled Hartree-Fock perturbation theory Coupled Hartree-Fock theory Coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock theory Coupled-perturbed Hartree-Fock orbital theory DERIVATION OF HARTREE-FOCK THEORY Density functional theory Hartree-Fock exchange Density functional theory Hartree-Fock-Slater exchange Density-based Hartree-Fock theory Density-based Hartree-Fock theory matrix Density-based Hartree-Fock theory self-consistent field method Derivative Hartree-Fock theory Differentiation, derivative Hartree-Fock theory Dirac-Hartree-Fock theory Direct Hartree-Fock theory Electronic Hessian Hartree-Fock theory Electronic structure Hartree-Fock theory Electronic structure methods Hartree-Fock theory Electronically excited states Hartree-Fock theory Exchange-correlation potential Hartree-Fock theory Excitation energy Hartree-Fock theory Hamiltonian equation derivative Hartree-Fock theory Hartree Fock coupled-cluster theory Hartree theory Hartree-Fock crystal field theory Hartree-Fock crystal-orbital theory Hartree-Fock crystal-orbital theory periodic polymers Hartree-Fock equations/theory Hartree-Fock equations/theory application Hartree-Fock equations/theory closed-shell Hartree-Fock equations/theory configuration interaction Hartree-Fock equations/theory many-body perturbation Hartree-Fock method band structures, theory Hartree-Fock method perturbation theory based Hartree-Fock method theory applications Hartree-Fock model perturbation theory Hartree-Fock molecular orbital theory Hartree-Fock theory 592 INDEX Hartree-Fock theory Brillouin theorem Hartree-Fock theory Koopmans’ theorem Hartree-Fock theory approach Hartree-Fock theory approximation Hartree-Fock theory basis sets Hartree-Fock theory canonical orbitals Hartree-Fock theory classical mechanics Hartree-Fock theory correlation problem Hartree-Fock theory dissociation Hartree-Fock theory dissociation curves Hartree-Fock theory electron correlation methods Hartree-Fock theory electronic gradient Hartree-Fock theory energy Hartree-Fock theory exchange potential Hartree-Fock theory fluctuation potential Hartree-Fock theory force field methods Hartree-Fock theory ground state Hartree-Fock theory half-electron Hartree-Fock theory instability Hartree-Fock theory interaction energy Hartree-Fock theory introduction Hartree-Fock theory limit Hartree-Fock theory mathematical methods Hartree-Fock theory methods Hartree-Fock theory molecular properties Hartree-Fock theory multiple solutions Hartree-Fock theory numerical Hartree-Fock theory of free electrons Hartree-Fock theory optimization techniques Hartree-Fock theory orbital energies Hartree-Fock theory periodic Hartree-Fock theory post-theories Hartree-Fock theory predictions from Hartree-Fock theory projected Hartree-Fock theory qualitative theories Hartree-Fock theory redundant parameters Hartree-Fock theory relativistic methods Hartree-Fock theory restricted Hartree-Fock theory restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock theory second-order optimization Hartree-Fock theory semiempirical Hartree-Fock theory single-reference methods Hartree-Fock theory size-extensivity Hartree-Fock theory solid-state materials Hartree-Fock theory states Hartree-Fock theory structure optimization Hartree-Fock theory symmetry Hartree-Fock theory theor Hartree-Fock theory unrestricted Hartree-Fock theory variational conditions Hartree-Fock theory wave function Hartree-Fock theory, description Hartree-Fock theory, early work Hartree-Fock theory, localized Hartree-Fock theory, solution Hartree-Fock theory, time-dependent coupled-perturbed Hartree-Fock theory, total energy Hartree-Fock theory, total energy computations Hartree-Fock theory. Slater determinant Hartree-Fock theory. The independent-particle model Hartree-Fock, density functional/perturbation theory Hartree-Fock-Slater theory Hartree—Fock/density-functional theory Hyperpolarizabilities Hartree-Fock theory Hyperpolarizabilities derivative Hartree-Fock theory Integral-direct Hartree-Fock theory Key Technical and Practical Points of Hartree-Fock Theory Molecular orbital theory Hartree-Fock self-consistent field approximation Moller-Plesset perturbation theory coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock ORBITAL INTERACTION THEORY Relationship to Hartree-Fock Equations Open-shell Hartree-Fock theory (RHF) Post-Hartree-Fock theories Quantum Hartree-Fock theory Quantum Mechanics Hartree-Fock theory Reaction mechanisms Hartree-Fock theory Restricted Hartree-Fock theory energy Restricted Hartree-Fock theory operator Restricted and unrestricted Hartree-Fock theory Self-consistent field theory Hartree-Fock electronic structure calculations Successes and Failures of Hartree-Fock Theory Symmetry in Hartree-Fock Theory Time-dependent Hartree-Fock TDHF) theory Time-dependent Hartree-Fock theory Variational methods. Coupled Hartree-Fock theory Wave-function calculations Hartree-Fock theory