SEARCH Articles Figures Tables A Campaign for the Second Chemical Revolution A Rigorous Development of the Second Law A Second Approximation in the Inner Region A perpetual-motion machine of the second kind A second example the ethane crystal Additivity of the second-order dispersion energy After the Second World War Alternative Statement of the Second Law An example the second virial coefficient Area under the second moment Assumptions of the Kinetic Theory—A Second Look Asymmetric transformation of the second kind Atom Abstraction and Combination of the Resulting Radical with a Second Metal Bessel function of the second kind Calculating the number of reactors in series for an irreversible second-order reaction Calculations of the Second Hyperpolarizability Catalytic Cycle for the Second Stage Clausius Formulation of the Second Law Clausius statement of the second law Collision of the second kind Complexes Exhibiting Marked Splitting in the Second Absorption Bands Conductors of the second class Coordination in the second sphere Criterion for Spontaneous Change The Second Law of Thermodynamics Crystal Imperfection of the Second Kind Deriving a second equation for the Mach number at station Design of Second-order Chromophores the Two-level Model Diatomic Molecules of the First and Second Periods Diatomic molecules of the second-period elements Difference analog of the second Difference analog of the second Green formula Disorder of the second kind Dispersion of an Organic Second Phase in the Thermoset Precursors Electrodes of the second kind Electrophoresis of the Second Kind Elliptic integral of the second Energy operator for a molecular crystal with fixed molecules in the second-quantization representation. Paulions and Bosons Engine Efficiency, Entropy, and the Second Law Entropy and the Second Law Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics Entropy, Free Energy, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics Error of the second kind Errors of the First and Second Kind Experiments and major results in the second stage Explicit Form of the Second Order Terms - Discussion Extension of the second order rate concept Extensions of the Second Order Functional Extremum Principles and the Second Law FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE SIGN AND MAGNITUDE OF SECOND-ORDER (STRONG) COUPLING EFFECTS Field Theories of the Second-Order, Phase-Change Final statement of the second law Flory theory of the second virial coefficient Fluxes and Forces from the Second Law of Thermodynamics Foreword to the Second Edition Formal expression for the second virial coefficient Formulation of the second part Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules of the Second Short Period Elements How did soldiers avoid chlorine gas poisoning at the Second Battle of Ypres Integration of the First and Second Coordination Spheres Ions Decomposing in the Second Field-Free Region Isotope effect of the second kind Kelvin statement of the second law Kelvin-Planck statement of the second law Life and the Second Law of Thermodynamics Measurement of the Second Normal Stress Difference Members of the Second Generation Of the second kind Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach. Second Edition Stuart Warren and Paul Wyatt Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach. Second Edition Stuart Warren and Paul Wyatt 2008 John Wiley Sons, Ltd Other Statements of the Second Law Perpetual motion machine of the second Perpetual motion machines of the second kind Perpetual motion of the second kind Planck statement of the second law Power plants of the second generation Preface to the Second Edition Products of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate hydrolysis and their roles as second messengers in the cell Quantum-mechanical treatment the second Born approximation Reactions of the second order Reduction as Grounding - The Second Argument Reference electrodes of the second kind Relation of Ficks Second Law to the Heat Equation Remarks on the Second Law and Irreversible Processes Reversibility and the second law of thermodynamics Reversing Current in the Second Range Scalar relaxation of the second kind Second Derivative Methods The Newton-Raphson Method Second Derivatives of the Energy Second Derivatives of the Free Energy Second Example The SN2 Reaction at Saturated Carbon Second Law The Analytical Statement Second Quantized Form of the Born-Oppenheimer Hamiltonian Second Step of the Mechanism Second derivative of the normal distribution Second derivatives of the exchange-correlation energy Second derivatives of the gravitational potential Second law of thermodynamics The Second messengers in the actions of prolactin Second order contribution to the Second quantization and the many-body problem Second quantization of the Born-Oppenheimer Hamiltonian Second-order collection efficiencies at the RRDE Second-order rate constants in the micellar pseudophase Second-quantization in the Theory of an Atom. Quasispin and Isospin Special differences between the second and subsequent Periods Step 10 Creation of the second, third, and higher level branches Structure of the Second Edition Syn-periplanarity the second best choice Synthesis by construction of the second heterocyclic ring on to an existing heterocycle Synthesis by construction of the second heterocyclic ring onto an existing heterocycle Systematic treatment of the second law THE SECOND PERIOD, ELEMENTS THERMODYNAMICS THE SECOND AND THIRD LAWS The Absence of Second-Order Effects at Higher Field The Chemistry of Heterocycles, Second Edition. By Theophil Eicher and Siegfried Hauptmann The Combined First and Second Law Statement Reversible Work The First and Second Boundary Value Problems The First and Second Laws The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics The First and Second Principle of Photochemistry The Fredkin Second-Order Construction The Gibbs Energy First and Second Law Methods The Hamiltonian in second quantization The Need for a Second Law The Possibility of Second-Order Transitions The Presence of a Second Liquid Phase The Schlogl model of second-order phase transition The Second Dimension The Second Fatality The Second Faw The Second Fifty Industrial Chemicals The Second Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem Variational Principle The Second Law The Second Law Optimal Path of Operation The Second Law and Boltzmann The Second Law and Clausius The Second Law of Dynamics The Second Law of Thermodynamics Entropy The Second Law of Thermodynamics Predicting Spontaneous Change The Second Law of Thermodynamics for Closed and Open Systems The Second Moment of E(t)—Mixing The Second Newtonian Region The Second Period The Second Phase The Second Reduction Stage The Second Renormalization The Second Requirement The Second Round The Second Skimmer The Second Spreading Stage The Second Total Synthesis of Diazonamide The Second Wave The Second World War The Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics Entropy The Second-Order Perturbation Theory The Second-Row Diatomic Molecules The Second-law Method The concentration and second gas effects The elliptic integral of second kind The evaluation of first and second order rate constants The flexing geometry of full second-order polynomial models The half-life for a second order reaction The metre-kilogram-second The second and third laws of thermodynamics The second approach The second boundary value problem The second buffer region The second critical case The second equivalence point The second group metals The second kind changes of laws The second mechanism of evolution The second model The second principle The second virial coefficients The second-order effects The second-order term in equation The vacuum calorimeter second form The varieties of second and higher order data The varieties of second order data Thermodynamics the Second Law Unit of Time the Second Water Exchange from the Second Coordination Shell