SEARCH Articles Figures Tables A-Mating factor Alkaloids mating process Assortative mating Boar Mate Chemical mate guarding Control of mating behavior Day of mating Decapod shrimp mating systems Euplotes raikovi mating pheromones Evolution mating preferences Formulations mating disruption Implants Syncro-Mate Individual recognition mating preferences Interaction mating LISN MATE MATE (multidrug and toxic compound MATE genes MATE transporters Major histocompatability gene mating preferences Major histocompatibility complex mate choice Mate accumulation. . 107 proteins Mate assessment Mate attraction Mate choice Mate choice avoidance Mate choice complex Mate choice familiarity Mate choice human Mate choice individual recognition Mate choice mating strategies Mate choice newts Mate choice preference Mate choice recognition Mate choice reproductive assessment Mate choice sexual selection Mate choice voles Mate finding Mate guarding precopulatory Mate location Mate preference Mate quality Mate recognition Mate recognition functions Mate recognition pheromone Mate recognition responses Mate recognition, tailed frog Mate searching behavior Mate selection Mate selection sexual preference Mate, Ilex Mate-guarding Mates, attracting Mating Mating Mating Selection Mating assay Mating behavior Mating choices Mating costs Mating decision Mating disruption Mating disruption method Mating disruption techniques Mating disruption/disruptants Mating efficiency Mating factor Mating inhibition Mating multiple Mating operator Mating pheromones, analysis Mating pool Mating preference Mating process Mating season Mating strategies Mating surfaces, nature Mating system Mating territories and mates Mating territory Mating type Mating with multiple males Mating, random Mouse mate choice Multidrug and toxic compound extrusion MATE) Multiple mating, benefits Nest mate Nonrandom mating Pheromone mating-disruptant products Pheromones, mating Pre-mating period Reproduction/reproductive behavior , mate recognition Rodents mate choice Saccharomyces cerevisiae mating type Scent marking mate choice Scientific Society for Measurement, Automation and Informatics (MATE) Biomedical Engineering Section Sexual behavior mating system Specific mate recognition systems Syncro-Mate-B implant Tactic, mating Test-Mate™ assay Time-mating Triparental matings Yeast mating type switching Yeast mating types Yerba mate