SEARCH Articles Figures Tables A Cyclic Model for Allosteric Regulatory Enzymes A Simple Allosteric Regulation AMPA receptors allosteric modulators Allosteric Effects, A Big Surprise Allosteric PRPP synthetase Allosteric activation Allosteric activation, of enzymes Allosteric activators Allosteric activators, glucokinase Allosteric antagonism Allosteric behavior Allosteric binding Allosteric binding sites Allosteric binding, drug interactions Allosteric cavity Allosteric changes Allosteric coefficient Allosteric concept Allosteric constant Allosteric control Allosteric control Monod-Wyman-Changeux model Allosteric control effects Allosteric control of enzymes Allosteric control of repressor protein Allosteric effect Allosteric effect concerted model Allosteric effect sequential model Allosteric effect theoretical models Allosteric effector site Allosteric effectors Allosteric effectors enzyme sensitivity Allosteric effectors of hemoglobin Allosteric effectors/modifiers Allosteric effectors/modifiers negative Allosteric effects hemoglobin Allosteric effects in enzymes Allosteric enhancers Allosteric enzymes Allosteric enzymes ATCase) Allosteric enzymes Aspartate transcarbamoylase Allosteric enzymes behavior Allosteric enzymes catalytic Allosteric enzymes concerted mechanism Allosteric enzymes concerted model Allosteric enzymes concerted-symmetry model Allosteric enzymes heterotropic effects Allosteric enzymes homotropic effects Allosteric enzymes interaction Allosteric enzymes negative allosterism Allosteric enzymes phosphofructokinase 1 activation Allosteric enzymes positive allosterism Allosteric enzymes receptor tyrosine kinase Allosteric enzymes regulatory Allosteric enzymes sequential interaction model Allosteric enzymes sequential model Allosteric enzymes substrate binding Allosteric enzymes subunits Allosteric enzymes, inhibitor activator effect Allosteric enzymes, protein-based Allosteric equilibrium constant Allosteric factors Allosteric group Allosteric indicator displacement Allosteric inhibition Allosteric inhibition of enzymes Allosteric inhibitors Allosteric interactions Allosteric interactions feedback Allosteric ligands Allosteric mechanism Allosteric model Allosteric model for cAMP oscillations Allosteric model for glycolytic oscillations Allosteric modification Allosteric modifiers Allosteric modifiers, hemoglobin Allosteric modulation Allosteric modulator Allosteric modulator examples Allosteric modulator kinetics Allosteric modulators Allosteric phenomena Allosteric phenomena activation Allosteric pockets Allosteric potentiating ligand Allosteric properties Allosteric properties of hemoglobin Allosteric proteins Allosteric proteins and Allosteric proteins common features Allosteric proteins hydrophobic association Allosteric proteins theories Allosteric reactions, glycolytic oscillations Allosteric regulation Allosteric regulation enzyme kinetics Allosteric regulation equations Allosteric regulation, reactivity Allosteric regulation, structural Allosteric regulation, structural basis Allosteric regulators Allosteric site Allosteric sites, inhibitor selectivity Allosteric theory Allosteric transition Allosteric transmission Allosteric, defined Allosteric, effectors enzymes Allosteric, effectors equilibrium Allosteric, effectors mechanisms Allosteric, effectors models Allosteric, effectors regulation Allosteric/cooperative kinetics Allosterically regulated enzyme Allosterism Allosterism Allosterism and Cooperativity Allosterism and Regulation Allosterism concerted model Allosterism glycogen metabolism Allosterism haemoglobin Allosterism interaction Allosterism kinetics Allosterism phosphofructokinase Allosterism pyruvate dehydrogenase Allosterism pyruvate kinase Allosterism, binding Alternative Theories on How Hemoglobins and Other Allosteric Proteins Work Antagonism allosteric modulation Antagonists allosteric Apparent allosteric constant Aspartate Carbamoyl Transferase Allosteric Control of Pyrimidine Biosynthesis Aspartate transcarbamylase allosteric effectors Benzodiazepines allosteric interactions with Carbohydrate metabolism allosteric effects Catalysis allosteric regulation Catalysis and allosteric regulation Concerted allosteric model Conformation change allosteric phenomena Cooperative Versus Allosteric Effects Cooperative allosteric interactions Cooperative phenomena allosteric Cooperativity allosteric Cooperativity allosteric proteins Coupling allosteric Diabetes allosteric activators Dimers allosteric control Displacement binding allosteric interaction Displacement binding allosteric radioligands Drug targets allosteric proteins Efficient Guest-binding Achieved through Allosteric Effects Enantioselective Inhibition and Activation Allosteric Effects Enzyme activity allosteric regulation Enzyme allosteric effects Enzyme allosteric enzymes Enzyme inhibitors allosteric Enzyme regulation allosteric control Enzyme regulation by allosteric effectors Enzymes allosteric activation Enzymes allosteric binding Enzymes allosteric control Enzymes allosteric regulation Enzymes allosteric site Enzymes allosteric systems Enzymes, active conformation allosteric Evolution allosteric proteins Examples of Allosteric Proteins GABA receptors partial allosteric modulators GABAb allosteric modulators Glucokinase allosteric Glucose allosteric regulation Glutamate receptors allosteric modulators Glycogen Phosphorylase Combined Control by Allosteric Effectors and Phosphorylation Glycogen phosphorylase allosteric control Glycolysis Allosteric regulation Hemoglobin Is an Allosteric Oxygen-Binding Protein Hemoglobin allosteric change Hemoglobin allosteric effector Hemoglobin allosteric interactions Hemoglobin allosteric modulator Hemoglobin allosteric properties Hemoglobin allosteric protein Hemoglobin allosteric transition Hemoglobin allosterism Heterotropic allosteric effect Heterotropic allosteric effectors Heterotropic allosteric enzymes Heterotropic allosteric interaction Homotropic allosteric effect Homotropic allosteric enzymes Homotropic allosteric interaction Inhibition allosteric stimulation Inhibitors allosteric phenomena Inhibitors allosteric site Isozymes and Allosteric Enzymes Kinase allosteric modulators Kinetic binding allosteric modulators Kinetics allosteric Kinetics allosteric enzymes Kinetics of Allosteric Proteins Ligand binding allosteric sites Mechanistic Descriptions of Allosteric Regulation Metabolic control allosterism Metabolic regulation allosteric enzymes Metabolism allosteric interactions Metabotropic allosteric modulator, positive Michaelis allosterism Michaelis-Menten kinetics, allosteric effect Models of allosteric activity Monod-Wyman-Changeux model of allosteric regulation Muscle glycogen phosphorylase allosteric effectors Necessity of amending the allosteric model for cAMP signalling Negative allosteric effector Negative allosteric modulation Negative allosteric modulator Negative allosterism Non-competitive, reversible (allosteric) inhibitors Nucleotide functions allosteric effects Oxygen allosteric behavior Phosphofructokinase allosteric effector regulation Phosphofructokinase allosteric properties Phosphofructokinase allosteric regulation Phosphorylative allosteric Phosphorylative allosteric transition Physiology, question allosterism Positive allosteric effector Positive allosteric modulation Positive allosteric modulator Positive allosteric modulators Positive allosterism Positive heterotropic allosteric regulation Positive homotropic system allosterism Principal Features of Allosteric Regulation Protein allosteric interactions Pseudo-Allosteric Effect of Poly(L-lysine) Heme Complex Pyruvate allosteric effectors Receptor allosteric modulation Receptor partial allosteric modulators Receptor signaling allosteric effect Receptor signaling allosteric modulators Receptors allosteric site Receptors allosteric theory Ribonucleotide reductase allosteric regulation Sigmoidal curves, allosteric Sigmoidal curves, allosteric enzymes Structure Basis of Allosteric Regulation Glycogen Phosphorylase Structure allosteric Subunit allosterism role The Behavior of Allosteric Enzymes The Concerted and Sequential Models for Allosteric Enzymes The Symmetry Model Provides a Useful Framework for Relating Conformational Transitions to Allosteric Activation or Inhibition Theoretical Models for Allosteric Effect Transporter allosteric effect Two Subunits Each Having One Site Allosteric Effect Velocity allosteric effects