SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 1" sensitivity transient response Catalyst-surface transient response Dimensionless transient response curves Drops transient response Electrode processes transient response Escherichia coli transient response Grounding transient responses measurement Improving Dynamic Response and Transient Stability Inert tracer transient response Intervention Analysis Evaluating the Transient Response Isotopic transient response Linear Viscoelasticity---Response of Materials to Transient Experiments Linear response of transient networks Mathematical models transient response Measured transient response Measurement transient rapid response Mechanistic Studies by Transient Response Methods Methanol transient temperature response Observer transient response Output transient response Pentacene transient response Reactor transient response study Relaxation methods transient-response experiment Steady-state isotopic transient kinetic analysis response Third-order transient response Transient Response and Risetime Transient Response of a CSTR with Catalytic Kinetics Transient Response of a Linear Oscillator Transient Response to a Potential Step Transient method frequency response methods Transient response curves Transient response curves kinetic parameters Transient response defined Transient response method Transient response time Transient response, nonlinear viscoelasticity Transient temperature response Transient-response spectrometer Transient-response technique