SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 2.4.6- Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, auxin Abscisic acid inhibition, auxin Amino acid homologs Auxin Auxin Duboisia hybrid root culture Auxin Subject Auxin Transport Inhibitors Auxin abscisic acid inhibitor Auxin acids Auxin action Auxin activity Auxin analogues Auxin and ethylene Auxin and gibberellin Auxin antagonists Auxin antagonists, root growth Auxin assay Auxin autonomy Auxin basipetal efflux Auxin basipetal polarity Auxin binding Auxin binding protein Auxin bioassay Auxin biological effects Auxin biosynthesis Auxin bound Auxin conjugate mutants Auxin controlled apical dominance -second Auxin cytokinin Auxin degradation Auxin dependence, uptake Auxin diffusion Auxin discovery Auxin division Auxin efflux Auxin efflux inhibitor Auxin enhancement Auxin enhancement ethylene Auxin enhancement ethylene production Auxin ethylene biosynthesis Auxin extractable Auxin extraction Auxin flower development Auxin formation Auxin fruits Auxin gene expression Auxin genetic approaches Auxin gibberellin Auxin gibberellin , cell elongation Auxin gibberellin increase Auxin growth Auxin herbicides Auxin herbicides Plant growth regulation Auxin hormones, production Auxin identification Auxin induced ethylene production Auxin induced growth, effect Auxin inhibition Auxin inhibitors Auxin messenger Auxin metabolic mutants Auxin movement Auxin other plant hormones Auxin plasma membrane interaction Auxin polar, inhibitors Auxin precursor, seed Auxin profile Auxin receptor gene Auxin regulated cell differentiation Auxin resistant mutants Auxin responsive genes Auxin senescence Auxin sensitivity Auxin stimulated growth Auxin structure Auxin synergists Auxin transport Auxin vascular differentiation Auxin-flavonoid transport interaction Auxin-induced, cell elongation Auxin-type herbicide Auxin/cytokinin balance Auxins Auxins Auxins and Urine Metabolites Auxins and cytokinins Auxins antagonism Auxins auxin transport inhibitors Auxins biological detection Auxins diffusible Auxins effect on root culture growth Auxins effects Auxins enzyme activation Auxins functions Auxins indoleacetic acid Auxins indolic Auxins inhibitor herbicides Auxins naphthalene acetic acid Auxins naphthaleneacetic acid Auxins origin Auxins phytotoxicity Auxins plant cell-wall growth Auxins plants Auxins precursors Auxins receptor Auxins receptors/binding proteins Auxins solvents Auxins structure-activity relationships Auxins synthesis Auxins, role Benzoic substituted, auxins Biosynthesis of auxins Brassinolide-auxin Cell elongation auxin Cell wall auxin effect Cinnamic acids, auxins Does Auxin Move in a Stream Effect of auxins Elongation auxin Embryogenesis auxin Endogenous auxin, replacement Endosperm auxins Ethylene auxin conjugation Ethylene auxin increase Ethylene auxin-induced Exogenous auxins, effect Flowers plant hormones, auxin Free Auxins Fungi auxin effects Gene expression auxin-regulated Gibberellic acid auxin Growth hormone auxin Hormonal Modification of Endogenous Auxin Hormone auxin Hormones Other than Auxins Indole-3-acetic acid Auxin Inhibition auxin transport Intact plant auxin Kinetin auxin Kogls auxin-a and -b. the plant-growth promoters Leaf cell expansion auxin Leaf, leaves auxin transport Membrane bound auxin receptors Meristem auxin Metabolism auxin activity Metabolism of auxins Mitotic activity auxins Petiole growth auxin Phenylacetic acids, auxins Phytotoxicity auxin herbicides Picolinate auxin Plant growth regulation auxin Plant growth regulators auxin Polar auxin transport Polar auxin transport rates Polar transport of auxin Polarity auxin Pollen auxin Propagation auxin wave Protein auxins Regulation by auxins Root elongation auxin Root meristems auxin Secondary metabolites auxins Small Auxin Up RNA Soybeans hypocotyl with auxin, treatment Synthesis of auxin Synthetic auxins Translocation auxin Translocation of auxins Triiodobenzoic acid, auxin Tryptophan auxin Tryptophan auxin formation Vectors auxin wave Vectors of auxin, wave