SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Allyl hetero compounds 1,3-heteroatom-hydrogen transposition reaction Alpha-Heteroatom Functionalization of Carbonyl Compounds Aromatic compound heteroatoms Carbon-heteroatom bond formation carbonyl compounds Carbonyl compounds a-heteroatom-substituted Carbonyl compounds heteroatom nucleophile addition Compounds Containing Heteroatoms Compounds Containing Three Heteroatoms Compounds Containing Two Heteroatoms Compounds Containing a Single Heteroatom Compounds containing Other Heteroatoms Compounds that Contain Three Heteroatoms Compounds that Contain Two Heteroatoms Compounds with Four Heteroatoms Compounds with Heteroatom Five-membered Ring Ligands Compounds with Heteroatoms Compounds with One Heteroatom Compounds with Two Heteroatoms Cyclic Organotin Compounds Containing Heteroatom Tin Bonds Five-membered Systems with More than Two Heteroatoms - Synthesis of Triazoles and Related Compounds Germanium compounds, heteroatom HETEROATOMS AND HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS Heteroatom cluster compounds, with Heteroatom compounds, petroleum Heteroatom-containing compounds Heteroatom-stabilized organolithium compound Heteroatom-substituted aromatic compounds Heteroatomic compounds Heteroatomic compounds Heteroatoms and Undesired Compounds Heterocycles Heteroatoms in Cyclic Organic Compounds Heterocyclic compounds Cyclic organic heteroatoms, atoms other than Heterocyclic compounds four heteroatomic rings Heterocyclic compounds heteroatomic Heterocyclic compounds three heteroatomic rings Hydrosilylation heteroatomic compounds Instability heteroatom compounds Ligand CoupUng Reactions with Heteroatomic Compounds Ligand Coupling Reactions with Heteroatomic Compounds Metal-heteroatom multiple bonds compounds Organic compounds containing heteroatoms Organic compounds heteroatoms Organometallic compounds containing heteroatoms Organotin Sulfur Compounds Containing Tin-Heteroatom Bonds Oxygenation organic compounds having heteroatoms Photoreactions of Compounds containing Heteroatoms other than Oxygen Reaction of tricoordinated phosphorus compounds with heteroatomic oxidizing agents Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds with Heteroatom Nucleophiles Silicon compounds, heteroatom nonbonding Sulfur compounds heteroatoms, five-membered rings Ylide compounds heteroatoms