SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Advantages of supercritical CO2 as a decaffeination solvent Brief description of the currently used processes for decaffeination and their history Caffeine carbon dioxide decaffeination process Caffeine decaffeinated coffee Coffee Decaffeination by Countercurrent Supercritical Fluid Extraction Coffee beans decaffeination Coffee decaffeination, application Coffee, decaffeinated, cancer Coffee, decaffeination Decaffeinated beverages Decaffeinated coffee Decaffeinated coffee consumption in the USA Decaffeinated coffee, chloroform Decaffeinating coffee Decaffeinating of coffee beans Decaffeination Decaffeination in a Single-Equilibrium Stage Decaffeination of Green Coffee Beans Decaffeination of coffee Decaffeination of coffee and tea Decaffeination process Decaffeination with supercritical Examples of processes for decaffeinating coffee using organic solvents How is coffee decaffeinated Present-day demand for decaffeinated products and trends in the market Supercritical fluid extraction decaffeination Tea decaffeination The decaffeinated coffee market in Europe The patent literature for decaffeination processes Water decaffeination of coffee beans