SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 2- ethyl phosphate groups 2- ethyl phosphates protect phosphate groups 2- methyl ester protect phosphate groups 2- phosphates protect phosphate groups 5 -Phosphate group of oligonucleotides Alloc group phosphates Anilidate, to protect phosphate groups Anilidates, to protect phosphate groups Backbone phosphate groups Benzyl ethers protect phosphate groups Carbodiimides phosphate groups Catalytic phosphate protecting groups Chiral phosphate group Concentration phosphate group effect Deprotection phosphate groups Esters to protect phosphate groups Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase thiol group Glycoside hydrolysis phosphate groups Group 4 Insoluble Phosphates Group IA phosphates Group IIA phosphates Group IV Phosphates Leaving groups phosphate monoester monoanion reactions Lipid phosphate groups Modification 5 -phosphate group Modification of 5 Phosphate Groups Using EDC Nucleic acids phosphate groups Nucleic phosphate groups Nucleotide continued phosphate group Nucleotide phosphate groups Oligonucleotides phosphate protection groups Organic serine phosphate groups Pentose phosphate pathway group-transfer reactions Phosphate ester hydrolysis leaving group Phosphate group anchoring Phosphate group cyclic ester formation Phosphate group transfer Phosphate group transfer potential Phosphate group, attachment Phosphate group, elimination reactions Phosphate group, organophosphates Phosphate group, protection Phosphate group, stability Phosphate groups diamines Phosphate groups in nucleotides Phosphate groups modification with Phosphate groups of nucleotides Phosphate groups reaction with carbodiimides Phosphate protecting groups Phosphate-containing groups Phosphate-pendant groups Phosphates as leaving groups Propargyl ethers phosphate groups Protection for the Phosphate Group Reaction with phosphate groups Removal of phosphate groups Reviews Concerning Protection for the Phosphate Group Serine phosphate group attachment Surface hydroxyl groups phosphate species Systems involving Phosphate Groups The Ionic Phosphate Group Triply linked phosphate groups