SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Absorption, Reflection and Nonlinear Optical Effects Acousto-optic effect Cascading effects, nonlinear optical Chiral gels optical effects Chiral molecules optical rotation effects Coherent effects and optically oriented atoms Coherent optical effects Complexation, effects optical activity Crystal field effects, nonlinear optical Crystal field effects, nonlinear optical properties Density effects, optical Dipole effects, nonlinear optical Domains optical effects Effect of high optical densities on the Beer-Lambert-Bouguer law Effect optical coatings Effect optical effects Effect optical principles Effect optically variable pigments Effective electro-optic coefficient Effective optical bandgap Effective optical constants Effective optical constants dielectric function, theories Effects of temperature and pressure on optical spectra Electro- and magneto-optical effects Electro-Optic Effects in Liquid Crystals Electro-Optical Effects in Cholesteric Phase Electro-Optical Effects in Other Phases of Liquid Crystals Electro-optic Kerr effect Electro-optic effect Electro-optic effect, linear Electro-optic effects applications Electro-optic effects phase modulators Electro-optical Kerr effect Electro-optical Pockels effect Electro-optical effect Electro-optical effect definition Electro-optical effect dispersion Electro-optical effect high-frequency Electro-optical effect steady-state Electro-optical effect transient Electrostatic effects, nonlinear optical Ferroelectric materials, electro-optic effects Field Aided Optically Induced Nonlinear Optical Effects in Liquid Crystals Photorefractivity First-order electro-optic effects Flexoelectro-optic effect Intensity-difference effects, nonlinear optics Interface Optical Effects Interference effect, optical Interferometry related optical effects Inverse electro-optic effect Kerr effect, optical Linear Electro-Optic (Pockels) Effect Linear optical effects, theory Local field effects nonlinear optics Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect (MOKE) Magneto-optic Kerr effect Magneto-optic effect Magneto-optic effects, 0 electrodynamics Magneto-optical Faraday effect Magneto-optical Kerr effect Magneto-optical effect Matter waves optical effects Mechanical and Optical Effects Metallic pigments optical effect Methylation, effect on optical activity of gum arabic Methylation, effect on optical activity of starch Methylation, effect on optical activity sugars Miscellaneous Optical Effects, Color, Photography Molecular nonlinear optical materials third-order effects Near-field optical effect Non-linear optical effects Nonlinear optical effects Nonlinear optical effects Langmuir-Blodgett films Nonlinear optical effects Pockels effect Nonlinear optical effects occurring through Nonlinear optical effects origins Nonlinear optical effects second harmonic generation Nonlinear optical effects, analysis Nonlinear optical effects, transition metal Nonlinear optical materials second-order effects Nonlinear optical materials third-order effects Nonlinear optical properties/effects Nonlinear optical solvent effects Nonlinear optics Pockels effect Nonlinear optics optical rotation effects Nuclear optical Kerr effect Optic-acoustic effect Optical Isomerism and Pharmacokinetic Effects Optical Kerr Effect Experiments on Complex Liquids Optical Kerr Effect and Transient Laser-Induced Molecular Reorientation Optical Kerr effect , liquid state Optical Kerr effect electric field Optical Kerr effect nonlinear optics Optical Kerr effect refractive index measurements Optical Kerr effect static field combination Optical Kerr effect studies Optical Polarization and Crystal Epitaxy Effects Optical Property Gradients at Substrate-Layer Interface Effect on Band Intensities in IRRAS Optical Stark effect Optical absorption coefficient doping effects Optical absorption doping effects Optical activity - the Cotton effect Optical activity order effect Optical activity solvent effects Optical activity temperature effects Optical and Quadratic Kerr Effect Optical centers, interaction with effect Optical coherence effects Optical coherence effects introduction Optical coherence effects photon echo Optical data storage photorefractive effect Optical diffraction effect Optical effect Order-disorder transition Optical effects, thermal-wave Optical guest-host effect Optical memory effects Optical nuclear magnetic resonance effects Optical permittivity electric field effects Optical proximity effects Optical rotation dispersive effects Optical rotation solvent effects Optical rotatory dispersion , solvent effects Optical rotatory dispersion cotton effect Optical storage effects Optical techniques for measurements of the converse effect Optically active solvents, spectral effect Origins of Nonlinear Optical Effects Other optical effects PLZT ceramics electro-optic effects Pearlescent optical effects Photochemical nonlinear optical effects Photorefraction electro-optic effect Pigments optical effect Pockels effect, nonlinear optics-static field Pockels electro-optic effect Poly nonlinear optical effects Polymer blends optical dispersion effects Quadratic Electro-Optic (Kerr) Effect Quadratic electro-optic coefficient , effect Quadratic electro-optic effect Refractive index electro-optic effects Resolution fiber optic effect Scanning optics heating effects Second-harmonic generation , nonlinear optical rotation effects Second-order electro-optic effects Second-order nonlinear optical effects Solvent Effect and Aromatic Compounds Magneto-Optic Properties Solvent effects Raman optical activity Solvent effects optical calorimetry Special relativity optical effects Stark Effect in the Optical Near-Field Stress-optical effects Superposition States and Interference Effects in Quantum Optics Susceptibility linear electro-optic effect Synergistic effects optical properties The Study of Optics and Photochemical Effects a Historical Perspective The effect of optical cross-section The electro-optic effect Thermo-optic effect Third-order non-linear optical effects Third-order nonlinear optical effects Third-order nonlinear optical effects measurement