SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Activated carbon surface oxygen complexes Activated carbons oxygen surface functionalities Activated oxygen Activated oxygen Activated oxygen flow Activated oxygen pressure Activated oxygen, iron catalysis Activated oxygen-derived molecules Activated oxygenation reactions Activated sludge dissolved oxygen Activating Oxygen as a Leaving Group Activation energy for oxygen diffusion Activation of Molecular Oxygen by Cytochrome Activation of ammonia adsorption by oxygen Activation of oxygen Activation oxygen vacancy mobilities Activators of Molecular Oxygen Active Oxygen AlOl Active oxygen Active oxygen Active oxygen detoxification Active oxygen hydrogen peroxide Active oxygen introduction Active oxygen metallo-porphyrin Active oxygen method Active oxygen reaction with activators Active oxygen scavenger Active oxygen sodium perborate Active oxygen sodium percarbonate Active oxygen species Active oxygen species and carcinogenesis Active oxygen species formation Active oxygen species inhibition Active oxygen species inhibition formation Active oxygen species, nature Active oxygen, formation Active oxygenating species Activity oxygen, effect Anti-oxygenic activity Atomic Oxygen Activation Alcohol Electro-Oxidation Blue copper proteins oxygen activation C-H Activation Using Molecular Oxygen Carbon-oxygen bond activation Cell culture assay, active oxygen Containing Activated Oxygen Containing Enzymes in Oxygen Activation and Reduction Cytochrome oxygen activation Cytochrome oxygen activation model Dissolved-oxygen reduction curve active-passive oxidation Effects of Active Oxygen Species on Particle Uptake Effects on active oxygen species Electrocatalytic activity oxygen evolution Enzymatic oxygenating activity Extradiol dioxygenases oxygen activation Flavin oxygen activation Fuel oxygen activation Heme enzymes, oxygen activating High-Temperature Oxidation Mechanism and Active Oxygen Concept Interaction of Pd with Oxygen and its Effects on Activity Intradiol dioxygenases oxygen activation Iodometric determination of active oxygen Mechanism of Oxygen Activation Mechanism of Oxygen Activation by Metal-activated oxygen Metal-dioxygen complexes oxygen activation Metalloporphyrin intermediate, active oxygen Methane monooxygenase oxygen activation Molecular Oxygen Binding and Activation Oxidation Catalysis Molten salts, oxygen activation Nitrogen, reaction with oxygen active Nuclear activation, oxygen Nucleophiles oxygen-silicon bonds activated Other Anomeric-Oxygen Activation Methods Overview of Oxygen Activating Heme Enzymes Oxidation oxygen activation Oxidative activation Oxygen transfer reactions, catalysis Oxidative activation oxygen transfer from tert-butyl Oxygen Activation and Equilibration Oxygen Activation by Oxygen Activation for Fuel Cell and Electrochemical Process Applications Oxygen Bonded to Activated Tetrahedral Carbon Atoms Oxygen Bridge Activation by an Electron-Donating Group at the Bridgehead Carbon Oxygen activation analysis Oxygen activation by cytochrome Oxygen activation kinetics Oxygen activation phosphine oxidation Oxygen activation rate constants Oxygen activation, definition Oxygen activation: theory Oxygen activators Oxygen activators Oxygen active elements Oxygen activity Oxygen carbon bond activation reactions Oxygen carbon-hydrogen activation reactions Oxygen caspase activation Oxygen catalyst activities Oxygen catalyst activities temperature effects Oxygen metal activation Oxygen reduction highly active PtFe Oxygen reduction reaction ORR) activity Oxygen reduction reaction activation polarization Oxygen reduction reaction activity Oxygen reduction reaction catalysts activation energy Oxygen reduction reaction mass activity Oxygen species, activated Oxygen, activated, reaction Oxygen, activation mechanism Oxygen, active Subject Oxygen, addition effect activation Oxygen, analysis for active Oxygen, reductive activation Oxygen-activating enzymes Oxygen-evolving complex catalase activity Particle size effect specific-oxygen reduction activity Pentene estimation of active oxygen Perbenzoic acid estimation of active oxygen Polymer oxygen diffusion, activation energy Polyunsaturated fatty oxygen activation Rate constant, activated oxygen Reactive oxygen species MAPK activation Reactive oxygen species activate transcription factors Reductive activation of oxygen by dihydroflavins Reductive activation, of molecular oxygen Ribonucleotide reductase oxygen activation Role of Active Oxygen Species in Carcinogenesis Selective oxygen activation Silicate melts oxygen activity Singlet oxygenated polymers, activation Specific and Mass Activities for Oxygen Reduction on Platinum in Phosphoric Acid Surface: active oxygen Surface: active oxygen alumina, silica acid sites Terpenes effects on active oxygen species The Activation of Molecular Oxygen What Heterogeneous Catalysts are Active in Formation of Oxygenated Products