SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Absorption of Energy by Molecules Absorption of Radiant Energy by Molecules Adiabatic ionization energy molecule Antenna systems molecules, energy transfer mechanisms Apparatus for Mass Spectrometric Studies of Ion-Molecule Reactions at Pressures Above 1 Torr and Thermal Energies Atoms and Molecules Have Energies Average Local Ionization Energies of Molecules Binding energy in molecules Bond Energies in Molecules and Radicals Bond dissociation energy hydrogen molecule Bond energy molecules Bond energy normalized molecules Comparing Energies of Structurally Different Molecules Contribution to the Gibbs Free Energy for a Linear Diatomic Molecule Diatomic molecule rotational energy levels Diatomic molecule, bond energy Diatomic molecule, energy levels Diatomic molecule, heat capacity rotational energy Diatomic molecule, heat capacity vibrational energy Diatomic molecule, orbitals ionization energy Diatomic molecules , bond dissociation energies Diatomic molecules dissociation energies Diatomic molecules energy Diatomic molecules energy decomposition Diatomic molecules energy gradients Diatomic molecules internal energy Diatomic molecules internal energy distribution Diatomic molecules kinetic energy matrix elements Diatomic molecules molecular orbital energy level Diatomic molecules potential energy matrix elements Diatomic molecules vibrational energy Diatomic molecules, energy-level diagram Dispersion energies aromatic molecules Dissociation energies diatomic intermetallic molecules Dissociation energy of binary molecules Dissociation energy of diatomic molecules Dissociation energy of molecule Dissociation energy, hydrogen molecule Dye molecules, zeolite L channels Forster energy transfer Dye molecules, zeolite L channels electronic excitation energy transfer Dye molecules, zeolite L channels energy transfer and migration, visual Dye molecules, zeolite L channels radiationless energy transfer Electrical excitation energy transfer, dye molecules in zeolite Electron Energy Transfer between Organic Molecules in Solution (Wilkinson) Electron energy levels in molecules Electron energy loss spectroscopy molecules Electronic Energy Transfer between Organic Molecules in Solution (Wilkinson) Electronic energy levels of molecules Electronic energy, of molecule Electronic potential energy, total molecule Electronically excited molecule energy level diagrams Electronically excited molecules potential energy diagram Energies of Gas-Phase Molecules Energy Distribution in Products of Ion-Molecule Reactions Energy Effects in Ion-Molecule Reactions Energy Exchange with Electronically Excited Molecules Energy Levels of Excited Molecules Energy Levels of an Ideal Gas Molecule Energy Transfer to Molecules Energy average per molecule Energy barrier, single-molecule Energy curve, diatomic molecule Energy curves for hydrogen molecule Energy curves of diatomic molecules Energy diatomic intermetallic molecules Energy in molecules Energy level diagram of hydrogen molecule Energy levels for diatomic molecule Energy levels hydrogen molecule Energy levels in the carbon monoxide molecule Energy levels molecules Energy levels molecules + molecular ions Energy levels of a molecule Energy levels of diatomic molecules Energy levels of molecules Energy levels of polyatomic molecules Energy levels polyatomic molecules Energy levels small molecules Energy of a molecule Energy of an atom in a molecule Energy of atoms and molecules Energy of molecule Energy operator for a molecular crystal with fixed molecules in the second-quantization representation. Paulions and Bosons Energy partition ground state molecules Energy per molecule Energy related molecules Energy rich molecules Energy states of molecules Energy storage molecules Enzymatic Conversion of CO2 (Carboxylation Reactions and Reduction to Energy-Rich Cl Molecules) Excitation energies imidazole molecule Excitation energies indole molecule Excited molecule intramolecular energy transfer Fluorescence resonance energy transfer single molecules Forces and Potential Energy in Molecules Formation of Chemical Bonds Forster energy transfer dye molecules in zeolite L channels Forster resonance energy transfer molecule, design Free Energy Perturbation Calculations for Small Molecules Free-energy barrier for escape of water molecules from protein hydration layer Helium molecule correlation energy Heterocyclic molecules, ionization energy High-Energy Organic Molecules Caught in Frozen Matrices and Some Surprises Homonuclear diatomic molecules bond dissociation energies Homonuclear diatomic molecules, electron dissociation energy How molecules take up thermal energy Hydrogen molecule Hartree-Fock energy Hydrogen molecule correlation energy Hydrogen molecule energy level diagram Hydrogen molecule interaction energies Hydrogen molecule orbital energies Hydrogen molecule second-order energy Hydrogen molecule third-order energy Hydrogen molecule valence bond potential energy Hydrogen molecules, compression energies Interaction Energy Between Two Molecules Interaction energy of molecules Interaction energy water molecule Interaction energy, single water molecules Interaction potential energy, hydrogen molecule Intermolecular interaction energies aromatic molecules Intramolecular energy transfer molecules Intrazeolite diffusion, dye molecules in zeolite channels, energy transfer monitoring Ion-Molecule Collision Energies Ion-molecule interaction energies Ionization Energies of Gas-Phase Molecules Ionization energy (of molecules Kinetic energy molecule Kinetic energy of a molecule Kinetic energy of gas molecules Kinetic energy of molecules Kinetic energy operator triatomic molecules Large molecules energy transfer Linear molecules energy Linear molecules rotational energy Mean vibrational energy diatomic molecule Metal molecules, dissociation energies Molecule function, energy Molecule high-energy Molecule potential energy Molecule rotational energy Molecule vibrational energy Molecule-lead self energies Molecule-solid interaction energy Molecule/surface site bonding energy Molecules Huckel electronic energy Molecules average energy Molecules average kinetic energy Molecules dissociation energy Molecules electrical energy Molecules electronic potential energy Molecules internal energy Molecules ionization energy Molecules total electronic energy Molecules zero-point energy Molecules, properties energy levels Nitrogen molecule bond energy Nitrogen molecule, energy levels Nonrigid molecule energy level Organic molecule bond energies Organic molecules energy levels Ox+ molecule energy migration experiments Ox+ molecule radiationless energy transfer Oxygen molecule, potential energy Oxygen-containing molecules, bond energies Physical mechanisms for non-radiative energy transfer between molecules Polyatomic molecules energy transfer Polyatomic molecules potential energy surfaces . reaction Polyatomic molecules vibrational energy flow Potential Energy in Molecules-Requirements for Reaction Potential energy curve For diatomic molecule Potential energy curve diatomic molecule Potential energy curve hydrogen molecule Potential energy curves for doublezeta HF, N2, and molecule Potential energy diagram hydrogen molecule interacting with Potential energy diatomic molecule Potential energy of a molecule Potential energy surface molecule Potential energy surface of a molecule Potential energy surfaces spherically symmetric molecules Potential-energy curve for molecules Potential-energy curve, for hydrogen molecule Potential-energy surface polyatomic molecules Py+ molecule energy migration experiments Py+ molecule radiationless energy transfer RET between like molecules. Excitation energy migration in assemblies of chromophores Radiationless energy transfer, dye molecules spectral overlap Rate of Vibrational Energy Transfer between Gas Molecules Resonance energy transfer single-molecule Rotational Energy Levels of Diatomic Molecules Rotational and vibrational energy of molecules Rotational energy of molecules Rotational energy, diatomic molecules Single molecule fluorescence resonance energy Single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements Single-photon processes, dye molecules visual energy transfer experiments Standard molar internal energy of the molecule The Energy Levels of Molecules The energies of molecular orbitals in diatomic molecules The kinetic energies Maxwellian distribution of molecules The origin of strain energy in cyclic hydrocarbon molecules Thermal energies and the structures of molecules Transfer Free Energy of Resin Molecules Translational energy of molecules Trapping rate dye molecules in zeolite L channels, energy Triplet-Energy (or Electron) Transfer between Molecules Unimolecular Reactions and Energy Transfer of Highly Excited Molecules Vibration energy, of molecule Vibrational Energy Levels of Diatomic Molecules Vibrational energy levels individual molecules Vibrational energy levels of molecules Vibrational energy of molecules Vibrational energy polyatomic molecules Zeolites interaction energies between molecules