SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 1-Propanol decoupled) 13C decoupling 14N decoupling Adaptive control decouplers Adiabatic decoupling Advanced control system decoupling Amines decoupling Amperometric detection decoupling And decoupling Approximation decoupling of rotation and vibrations BIRD pulse decoupling Basic Concept of Spin Decoupling Bilinear rotation decoupling Bloch-Siegert frequency shift decoupling Boost Topology Decoupling Is Slightly Different Broad-band decoupling Broad-band hydrogen decoupling Broad-band proton decoupling Broadband adiabatic decoupling Broadband decoupling Broadband decoupling INEPT Broadband decoupling and spin locking Broadband decoupling and spin-locks Broadband decoupling spin echo pulse sequences Broadband-decoupled NMR Broadbands spin decoupling Cables effect on input decoupling Calibrations decoupler pulses Carbon fluorine-decoupled Carbon proton decoupling Carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy off-resonance decoupling Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy proton decoupling Chemical-exchange spin-decoupling Composite pulses broadband decoupling Continuous wave decoupling Correlated spectroscopy decoupled spectra Coupled Spectrum (Gated Decoupling) Cross-polarization-dipole decoupling Crust-mantle decoupling Customer Order Decoupling Point Customer order decoupling Decouple the Dirac Equation Decoupled Decoupled Molding Decoupled absorptions Decoupled and Real-Time Automation of the HX-MS Experiment Decoupled bonds Decoupled direct method Decoupled hybrid polyelectrolyte Decoupled hybrid polyelectrolyte temperature Decoupled local oscillator Decoupled motion Decoupled polymer system Decoupled refocused INEPT Decoupled representation Decoupled spectra Decoupled, NOE (Double Resonance) and COSY Spectra Decoupler Decoupler Decoupler calibrating Decoupler calibration Decoupler duty cycle Decoupler field strength Decoupler gating Decoupler mode Decoupler modulation Decoupler modulation frequency Decoupler modulation parameter Decoupler nucleus Decoupler offset Decoupler power Decoupler pulse Decoupler radiofrequency Decoupler, calibration field strength Decouplers and their design Decouplers, design Decoupling Decoupling Decoupling Devices with Silicon Diodes Decoupling Hardware Decoupling Methods Decoupling NOESY Decoupling Software Parameters Decoupling and Double resonance Decoupling approximation Decoupling basic concept Decoupling basis Decoupling broadband heteronuclear Decoupling capacitor Decoupling capacitor of driver Decoupling channel Decoupling composite-pulse Decoupling control loops Decoupling control system Decoupling definition Decoupling double duty Decoupling during evolution period Decoupling effect Decoupling equations Decoupling experiments Decoupling formula Decoupling gated Decoupling gated high-power Decoupling heating effects Decoupling heteronuclear Decoupling heteronuclear, 192 (also Decoupling homonuclear, 198 (also Decoupling improved efficiency Decoupling in NMR Decoupling in the presence of scalar Decoupling in the presence of scalar interaction Decoupling index Decoupling inverse gated Decoupling molecular motion Decoupling of ac and dc signals Decoupling of deuterium Decoupling of protons Decoupling of resonance Decoupling partial Decoupling point Decoupling power Decoupling procedures Decoupling procedures state-parameter estimation Decoupling process units Decoupling pulsed Decoupling references Decoupling rotor-synchronized Decoupling sample heating from Decoupling selective Decoupling sequence Decoupling sequence quantum coherence Decoupling techniques Decoupling with Packages Decoupling, NMR Decoupling, frequency swept Decoupling, high-power Decoupling, interrupted Decoupling, solid-state NMR Decoupling/cross Decouplings Decouplings Decouplings pictures Delayed decoupling Deuterium decoupling Difference decoupling Diffusion decoupling Dipolar Dephasing (Interrupted Decoupling) Dipolar couplings decoupling Dipolar couplings decoupling high power proton Dipolar decoupled magic angle spinning Dipolar decoupling Dipolar decoupling, solid sample Dipolar-decoupling experiment Double decoupling Dynamic decoupling Dynamical decoupling Dynamical exchange decoupling Electron spin decoupling Electrostatic decoupling Electrostatics decoupling Exact-decoupling methods Examples of One-Bond Inverse Correlation (HMQC and HSQC) Without 13C Decoupling Excitations spin-charge decoupling Experiment selective decoupling Field-sweep decoupling Flexible methylene decoupling Fluorine-19, decoupling Free energy decoupling Frequency-sweep decoupling Frequency-switched Lee-Goldburg decoupling Gated decoupler method Gated decoupler method pulse sequence Gated decoupling spectrum Gated decoupling, nuclear Overhauser effect Gated experiments, spin decoupling Gated high-power decoupling (GHPD Glass transition temperature time constants and decoupling Hartree-Fock decoupling Helicity decoupling approximation Helicity decoupling calculations Heteronuclear Decoupler Modes Heteronuclear Dipolar Decoupling Heteronuclear correlation decoupling Heteronuclear decoupled version Heteronuclear homonuclear decoupling Heteronuclear spin decoupling High-Frequency Effects and the Importance of Input Decoupling High-Frequency Input Decoupling High-power dipolar decoupling High-power heteronuclear decoupling High-power proton decoupling High-powered proton-decoupling effect High-powered proton-decoupling effect spectra Homonuclear Band-selective Decoupling Homonuclear Dipolar Decoupling Homonuclear decoupled proton Homonuclear decoupling Homonuclear decoupling experiment Homonuclear decoupling. NMR Homonuclear spin decoupling Hydrogen decoupling Hydrogen-decoupled spectra Hyperfine Decoupling Techniques INEPT spectra decoupling Input decoupling Interaction, Decoupling and Safety Internal Decoupling Control Interrupted proton decoupling Interrupted proton decoupling interruption time Interrupted-decoupling experiment Interrupting decoupling Inverse gated decoupling method J 0, centrifugal coupling and helicity decoupling Line narrowing dipolar decoupling Liquids, decoupling Local Approximations to the Exact-Decoupling Transformation Local exact decoupling Magic angle spinning proton decoupling Magic-angle spinning, dipolar decoupling and cross polarisation Measuring coupling constants spin decoupling Mechanical decoupling zones Methylene flexible decouplings Model decoupling Multiple Electrically Decoupled Coils NMR spectra proton decoupled NMR spectroscopy spin decoupling Neutrino decoupling Noise decoupling Noise decoupling technique Noise decoupling, nmr Noise-decoupled C-13 NMR Noise-modulated decoupling Nonlinear decouplers Nuclear Overhauser enhancement proton decoupling Nuclear Spin Decoupling in ENDOR Spectroscopy Nuclear energy decoupling spins Nuclear magnetic resonance dipolar decoupling Nuclear magnetic resonance proton decoupled Nuclear magnetic resonance proton decoupling Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra spin decoupling Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy decoupling Nuclear magnetic resonance spin decoupling Nuclear spin decoupling Oceans isotope decoupling Off resonance decoupling Order decoupling Outline of a decoupled scheme for the differential constitutive models Oxyethylene decouplings Pattern 16.1 Decoupling Pattern 16.15 Role Decoupling Phonon-electron decoupling Phosphorus decoupling Phosphorus-31 NMR spectroscopy proton-decoupled Populational Decoupling of Atomic Orbitals Power-gated decoupling Propenal Proton decoupling Proteins decoupling Proton Broad Band Decoupling in 13C NMR Spectroscopy Proton Decoupled Difference Spectroscopy Proton Spin Decoupling Experiments Proton decoupled 13C NMR spectra Proton decoupled spectrum Proton decoupling Proton decoupling broadband Proton decoupling field, temperature Proton decoupling gated Proton decoupling heteronuclear Proton decoupling inverse gated Proton decoupling noise Proton decoupling selective 7--------------homonuclear Proton decoupling spectrum Proton decoupling, NMR Proton decoupling, dephasing carbon Proton dipolar decoupling Proton heteronuclear broadband decoupling Proton spin decoupling Proton-Decoupled 13C Spectra Proton-decoupled CP/MAS Protons on Nitrogen Quadrupole Broadening and Decoupling Pulsed Proton Broadband Decoupling Pulsed decoupling excitation Pulsed experiments, spin decoupling Recoupling, dipolar without decoupling Redox decoupling Reduced coupling constant , with decoupling Reductive decoupling Requirements for dc Decoupling Devices (between Casing and Ground) Rigid and Relaxed Internal Hardness Decoupling Modes Scalar decoupled line widths Scalar decoupling Selective Spin Decoupling. Double Resonance Selective heteronuclear decoupling Selective homonuclear decoupling Selective proton decoupling Selective scalar-spin decoupling Self-decoupling Sensitivity decoupled direct method Sequential Unitary Decoupling Transformations Side-chain decoupling Silicon decoupling Single frequency decoupling Single frequency proton decoupling Single-frequency off-resonance decoupling Solid-state nuclear magnetic dipolar decoupling Solids high-power decoupling Spectral self-decoupling Spin Decoupling (Homonuclear, 1-D) Spin Decoupling Methods Double Resonance Spin Decoupling and Double Resonance Spin decoupler Spin decoupling Spin decoupling and particular pulse sequences Spin decoupling broadband Spin decoupling dipolar Spin decoupling double-resonance Spin decoupling methods Spin decoupling schemes Spin decoupling selective Spin decoupling, chemical exchange cause Spin-decoupling difference spectroscopy Steady-state decoupling Sugars decoupling Surface decoupling transitions Temperature decoupling The Decoupled Direct Method The Syntax for Using Pulses, Delays, Gradients and Decoupling The basis of spin decoupling Thermal decoupling WALTZ-16 decoupling Waltz-16 heteronuclear decoupling Weak decoupling Windowless homonuclear decoupling Windowless homonuclear decoupling sequences