SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Acoustical phase shift Alternating phase shift Alternating phase-shifting masks Anisotropic particles phase shifts Attenuated phase-shifting mask Bloch-Siegert phase shift Bloch-Siegert phase shift compensated PIPs Bode diagram phase shift Breit-Wigner phase shift Canonical phase shift Chemical shift dependent phase correction Chemical shift dependent phase errors Continuum scattering phase shifts Cross section phase shift analysis Cyanobiphenyls phase shifts Dimensionless parameters phase shifts EXAFS phase-shift functions Emission phase-angle shift Energy-dependent phase shift Extended phase shift Field-Induced Refractive Index Change and Phase Shift Field-Induced Shifts of the Phase Transition Temperatures Filter second-order phase shift Fitting EXAFS data phase shifts Fluorescence phase-shift method Focusing phase-shift functions Formulation with Phase Shift Terms Fourier transform phase-shift subtracted Frequency phase shift Frequency-Domain (Phase-Shift) Measurements Gouy phase shift Hydrogen phase shift Laser Doppler phase shift, particle sizing Laser phase shift interferometry Local phase shift Minimum phase shift network Modeling, phase shifts Modulation-phase shift NanoMapper, from ADE Phase Shift, USA Optical phase shift Order parameter phase shift Oscillator phase shift Pair-correlation model Phase shifts Paramagnetic phase shifts Phase angle shift Phase equilibrium data shift Phase shift Photoelectron spectroscopy Phase shift coefficient Phase shift coulomb Phase shift mask Phase shift method Phase shift plate Phase shift radial Phase shift reduction Phase shift resonance Phase shift spin polarized Phase shift sudden Phase shift/change Phase shifting microscopy Phase shifts microscope Phase shifts, temperature-corrected Phase temperature shifts Phase-Shift Lithography Phase-shift functions Phase-shift interferometry Phase-shift subtracted Fourier Phase-shift technique Phase-shift-keying technique Phase-shifting Phase-shifting Phase-shifting masks Phase-shifting plate Photoacoustic phase shift Poly modeling phase shifts Position-dependent phase shift Quadrature phase-shift keying Resonance S matrix, phase shift, and the cross section Resonant phase shift Sampling element, phase shift Scattering phase shift Scattering theory phase shift Shift and phase Shifts phase transitions Sine waves phase shift Strain phase angle shift Stress, phase angle shift Tunneling phase shift Universal phase shift