SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Adsorption of Branched Polymers Analysis of branched hydrocarbon mixtures Analysis of the deflagration branch Analysis of the detonation branch Aromatisation of branched alkanes BRANCHES OF MATHEMATICS Behavior of Precision Alkyl-Branched Polyolefins Biosynthesis of methyl-branched Biosynthesis of methyl-branched hydrocarbons Blends of Linear and Long Branched Polyethylenes Blends of Linear and Short Branched Polyethylenes Blends of Short and Long Branched Polyethylenes Borane-catalyzed synthesis of branched Branched RNAs synthesis of [A pX Branched chains, of carbon atoms Branched triribonucleotide synthesis of [A pA Branched triribonucleotide synthesis of [A pC Branched triribonucleotide synthesis of [A pU Branched triribonucleotide synthesis of [GpA pC Branched triribonucleotide synthesis of [U pU Branched triribonucleotide synthesis of [araA pU Branched triribonucleotide synthesis of [pppA pA Branched-chain, of natural occurrence Branches in the tree of chemistry Branches of Mechanics Branches of Thermodynamics Branches of Toxicology Branches of aromatic groups Branches of industry Branches of law Branching Polymerization of Small Molecules Branching by the wrong addition of monomer or initiator Branching of Lamellae Branching of chains Branching of molecules Branching of poly Branching of polymer chains Branching of the glycogen Branching of trajectories Broadening and collapse of the isotropic Q-branch Bulk Properties of Model Branched Polymers Calculation of branching Central Branching of i-Type Polylactosamine Backbones Chain Branching via Cleavage of the Weak Vinyl and Ethynyl Peroxide Bonds Characterization of Short-Chain Branching (SCB) in LDPE Characterization of branching and gelation Classification of Branching Theories Coherent Control of Photofragmentation Product Branching Ratios Configuration of branched-chain Convergent Synthesis of Miktoarm Star-Branched Polymers Using Polymer Anions Crystallization, Melting, and Branching of Polyethylenes DEGREE OF BRANCHING Degree of branching, estimation Degree-of-branching distribution Design Considerations of Long-Distance Pneumatic Transport and Pipe Branching Determination of branching Dimensions of Branched Molecules Disorders of Branched-Chain Amino Acid Metabolism Distal Branching of i-Type Polylactosamine Backbones Effect of Long-Chain Branching on Linear Viscoelastic Behavior Effect of Long-Chain Branching on Viscosity Effects of Branching Effects of Branching and Molecular Weight Distribution Effects of Branching on Apparent Theta-Temperature Effects of Long Chain Branching Effects of Short-Chain Branching Elucidation of Short Chain Branching in Polyethylene Equilibration of Linear and Branched Alkanes with Deuterium Example of a chain reaction with both linear branching and breaking in the bulk Executive Branch of the Industrial Division Formation of Cyclic and Branched Chains Functionality of a branch point Generalization of path-branching representation for arbitrary optical and nonadiabatic transitions Generation of trial segments for branched molecules Geometry of branching paths Growth and Branching Kinetics of Nanofibers Influence of Polymer Branching Architecture in Bulk Polymers Influence of Side Chain Branching Positions Interference of rotational branches in molecular spectra Introduction - Formation of degenerate branching agents Kinetic study of chain reactions with direct branching Kinetics of Branching Reactions Length of branches Lower state rotational combination differences for two consecutive members of the same branch Method of Branch and Calvin Mixtures of branched and linear Mobilization of the Middle Cerebral Artery and Its Branches Morphologies of Block and Star-Branched Polymers with Three Components Nature of the Measurements Rate Coefficients and Branching Ratios or Cross Sections Number of branches Numerical examples of branching paths and transition probability Of branched RNAs Of branched amino sugar Of branched polymers Of branched trisaccharid Of branched trisaccharide Of branched-chain sugars Other Branches of Engineering Phenomenological model of branched-chain reactions on a catalyst surface Possible applications of dendrimers with chiral branching scaffold Prediction of Branched Architectures by Conditional Monte Carlo Sampling Preparation of Branched Polystyrene Preparation of branched methyloligodiphenylsiloxanes Preparation of branched oligomethyl(phenyl)siloxanes with metacrylethoxyl groups in the lateral chain Preparation of branched oligomethylsiloxanes Preparation of branched oligoorganosiloxanes Preparation of branched oligoorganosiloxanes with alkoxyoxyalkylene groups in the lateral chain Preparation of branched, ladder and cyclolinear polyorganosiloxanes Processability of branched Processability of branched polymers Properties of the Mg Branch in Rhodopseudomonas spheroides Rate of branching Regulatory Analysis of Branched Systems Reptation of a branched chain Rheology of Flexible Homopolymers with Long-Chain Branching SHAFIZADEH, F., Branched-chain Sugars of Natural Occurrence Schematic representation of the dichotomous branching network Size and overlap of randomly branched polymers Size of ideal randomly branched polymers Solution Properties of Model Branched Polymers Specification of Branch-and-Bound Algorithm Step 10 Creation of the second, third, and higher level branches Steps 4—9 Creation of remaining central branches Storage and Loss Moduli of Model Branched Systems Structure Determination of Slightly Branched Amyloses Substrate Specificity of Ketosynthase Domains Part I -Branched Acyl Chains Sugars branched-chain, of natural occurrence Summary of branching and gelation Synthesis of Branched 4-Thiofuranoses Synthesis of Naturally Occurring, Branched Sugars Synthesis of Precision Alkyl-Branched Polyolefins Synthesis of branched hydrocarbons Synthesis of branched poly (octamethylene-L-()-tartrate) Synthesis of branched-chain sugars Systems with different types of branch units Systems with one type of branch unit The Branches of Chemistry Use of Linear Viscoelastic Data to Determine Branching Level Viscosity of branched polymers Xanthates extension of olefin-branched