SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Acid-Base-controlled Molecular Shuttle Acid-base catalysis molecular mechanism Acid-base catalysis, 208 --- molecular structure Acid-base sites selective molecular probes Acid-base strength and molecular structure Airborne molecular base Aluminophosphate-based molecular sieves Aluminum phosphate based molecular Applications Based on Molecular Dynamics Methods Bacterial Protein Biomarker Discovery A Focused Approach to Developing Molecular-Based Identification Systems Based on Molecular Fields Based on Molecular Orbital Energies Based on molecular geometry Bases molecular definitions Bases molecular formulas Bases molecular structure Boronic acids, molecular receptors based CP-BASED MOLECULAR ELECTRONIC DEVICES Chemical approach based on molecular orbital theory Chemical graph-based representations, molecular Chemical graph-based representations, molecular similarity Classification molecular-based Computer simulations molecular model based Conducting polymers molecular devices based Constitutive equations Based on molecular theories Coordinate-based chemical spaces, molecular Covalent Casting Strategy-Based Molecular Duplexes Crystalline solids based upon molecular DNA-based molecular wires Delocalized Electrons An Explanation Based on Molecular Orbital Theory Derivatives, molecular dynamics, time based Emeraldine base molecular structure Emeraldine base molecular weight Energy Calculations Based on Molecular Models Enzyme molecular organic solvent-based reverse Estimation of Tm Based on Molecular Similarity Fluorescent bases, molecular beacon Fullerene-based Molecular Systems General Design Information-Storing Molecular Duplexes Based on the Recombination of H Bond Donors and Acceptors Hansch-based molecular descriptors Heterobimetallics molecular-based Ionic liquid-based surfactants molecular structure Knowledge-based studies, molecular characteristics LEDs Based on Molecular Semiconductors Lanthanide Based Magnetic Molecular Materials Lewis acid-bases molecular addition complexes Lewis bases molecular orbital stabilization Lipid-based molecular gels Liquid-Phase Oxidations with Hydrogen Peroxide and Molecular Oxygen Catalyzed by Polyoxometalate-Based Compounds Magnetism of Heterobimetallics Toward Molecular-Based Magnets Methods for Getting Valence Bond Quantities from Molecular Orbital-Based Procedures Molecular Conductors Based on M3Q7 Cluster Complexes Molecular Orbital (MO) approach to acid-base reactions Molecular Recognition-Based Approach Molecular acid - base-controlled Molecular based descriptors Molecular benzidine/biphenol-based Molecular computers based on synthon interactions Molecular connectivity indices data base Molecular definitions of acids and bases Molecular descriptors graph-based representations Molecular devices based on conducting polymers Molecular docking, computer-based Molecular dynamics time based definition Molecular dynamics time based formulation Molecular dynamics-based docking algorithm Molecular equation for acid-base reactions Molecular fields field-based similarity indices Molecular glasses azobenzene-based Molecular imprint-based sensors in contaminant analysis Molecular imprinting base pairing Molecular imprinting capillary electrochromatography based Molecular interaction field -based Molecular interaction field -based method Molecular machines protein-based polymer Molecular modeling investigations models based Molecular modeling pharmacophore-based ligand Molecular modelling computer-based Molecular modelling field-based techniques Molecular orbital method symmetry-based Molecular orbitals soft acid-base theory Molecular organic solvent-based reverse Molecular organic solvent-based reverse micelles Molecular organic-based Molecular poly -based Molecular prototypes, ruthenium-based Molecular recognition, cryptand-based Molecular representation of structures based Molecular sensors based Molecular sieving, film-/membrane-base Molecular structure and acid-base behavior Molecular structure-based ligand design Molecular surface area, QSARs based Molecular weight metallocene-based polymers Molecular-based axis system Molecular-based electronics Molecular-based information processors Molecular-based magnets Molecularly imprinted polymers -based Non-Newtonian Dynamics-Based Iterations for Molecular Sampling Oligoamide-Based Molecular Duplex Strands Oligohydrazide-Based Molecular Duplex Strands Peptide-based molecular gels Peptide-based molecular gels peptides Photochromic amorphous molecular azobenzene-based Photochromic amorphous molecular dithienylethene-based Photoswitchable Molecular Systems Based on Diarylethenes Phthalocyanine-based molecular metals Phylogenetic Classification Based on Predominantly (Macro)molecular Data Sets Polymer Melt Constitutive Equations Based on Molecular Theories Polymer high molecular weight, based Polysaccharide-based molecularly imprinted Porphyrin-based molecular wire Prediction Methods Based on 3-D Molecular Structure Protein-based molecularly imprinted Protein-based molecularly imprinted preparation Rotaxane-based molecular shuttle Rotaxanes molecular switch based Rouse-segment-based molecular Rouse-segment-based molecular theories Ruthenium-based light-driven molecular Ruthenium-based light-driven molecular machine prototypes Saccharide-based molecular gels Scanning Tunneling-based Molecular Junctions Signature-Based Molecular Design Strategies Based upon Molecular Weight Measurements Structure-based computational models of ligand-protein binding dynamics and molecular docking Structure-based lead optimization molecular simulation Structure-based molecular design Structure-based molecular design approaches Studies Based on Molecular Mechanics Theory Studies Based on Molecular Orbital Theory The Molecular Mechanism of Acid-Base Catalysis The molecular probe approach assessment of acid-base properties Thermal Degradation Behavior of PLA Based on Molecular Weight Change Use of Molecular Symmetry to Generate Covalent Excited States Based on Valence Bond Theory Vector-based representation, molecular similarity Visualization Based on Molecular Tagging Visualization Based on Molecular Tagging Methods