SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Adsorption, polymer scaling theory Application of the Scaled Particle Theory Boundary-layer theory scaling Cavity work scaled particle theory Chemical potential scaled particle theory Cloizeaux-de Gennes Scaling Theory Coupled-cluster theory large-scale calculations De Gennes scaling theory Density functional theory local-scaling transformation Diffusion Theory for Two-scale Porous Media Dimensional scaling theory Dynamic scaling theory Dynamic scaling theory model Elements of the scaled particle theory Excluded volume effects scaling theory Feature Trees Theory and Applications from Large-scale Virtual Screening to Data Analysis Field versus Scaling Theories Finite-size scaling theory Gibbons scaled particle theory Hard sphere solvents, scaled particle theory Linear scaling corrections in Brillouin-Wigner coupled cluster theory Linear scaling local correlation theory) Linear-scaling methods theory Local-scaling density functional theory Local-scaling density functional theory atoms Local-scaling density functional theory equations Local-scaling density functional theory exchange energy Mean field scaling theory Micelles scaling theories Model theory —> Scale Moller-Plesset theory linear scaling Nucleation scaling theory Osmotic pressure scaling theory Perturbation theory spin-component-scaled Perturbation theory time scales Polymer networks scaling theories Polymer solutions, scaling theory Proposed Scaling in Self-consistent Field Theory Renormalization-group theories scaling Scaled Particle Theory of the Isotropic-Nematic Transition Scaled particle theory Scaled particle theory INDEX Scaled particle theory applications Scaled particle theory, cavity formation free Scaled particle theory, cavity formation free energy calculation Scaled-particle theory, cavity free Scaled-particle theory, cavity free energy Scaling Law Theories and Applications Scaling electronic structure theory Scaling law theory Scaling self-consistent field theory Scaling theory correlation length Scaling theory density fluctuations Scaling theory of de Gennes Scaling theory of percolation Scaling theory, colloidal gels Scaling theory, steric colloidal forces Scaling theory—statics Scaling/ scaled particle theory Seepage Theory for Two-scale Porous Media Semidilute polymer solutions scaling theory State of the Art in Theory and Modeling Multiple Scales Surface pressure isotherms classification, theory and scaling laws Surface pressure scaling theory Systems scaled particle theory Tests with scaling theories The Scaling Theory Time scales mode coupling theory Time scales singular perturbation theory Towards Linear Scaling Kohn-Sham Theory Transition state theory femtosecond time scale Turbulence scaling theory