SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 22-pole trap Acceleration due to gravity at poles and equator All-optical poling All-pole model Amplifier pole-zero cancellation Amundsen-Scott South-Pole Station Antarctica South Pole Asherah poles Barber poling Bauer poling Celestial pole Closed-loop poles Compensating poles, locating Compensation method, pole-zero Compensation pole-zero Compensation single-pole Complex integration poles Complex variables poles Composite poling Conformational analysis poling Connection formula pertaining to a first-order transition pole at the origin Contact electrode poling Contact poling Corona poling, PVDF Corona-poling apparatus Coulombic poles Covering Conformational Space Poling Crossed poles Cusp-field single-pole type head Desired closed-loop poles Device corona poling Digital compensator design using pole placement Dipoles, poling Distribution pole figure Dominant closed-loop poles Dominant pole Doped polymer films, poling Double Pole of the LC Filter Double-pole approximation Dyson pole strengths ELECTRICAL POLES East Pole Eigenvalue equation poles Eight poles Electric field poled Electric field poling Electric field poling technique Electric field poling, polar order Electric field poling, second-harmonic generation Electrical poling process Electrical properties poling Electrode poling method Electrode poling procedures Electron propagator pole structure Electron propagator poles Electronegativity negative pole Electronegativity positive pole Empirical Estimation Poling Ferroelectric poling direction Ferroelectric poling experiment Ferroelectric polymers poling Fiber-reinforced polymer poles Filters single-pole filter Generators Salient pole Graphical representations of equilibria - pole diagrams Gravity, acceleration at poles and equator Hazard totem pole Induction motors Pole changing Influence poles Inverse pole figure Inversion when Poles and Branch Points Exist Irradiation poled polymer Lattice poles Liquid crystals poling response Magnetic pole Magnetic separator induced pole Main pole Micrometeorites, South Pole Motors Pole amplitude modulation Motors Pole changing Multi-pole expansion Multi-pole forces Nitro pole North pole Open-loop poles Optimization of the Poling Efficiency Optimum poling condition Orientation Measured from Inverse Pole Figures POLE-DIPOLE FORCES POLEDs POLEDs Periodic poling Periodically poled lithium niobate Photo-assisted electric field poling Photo-assisted poling Photoassisted Poling Photoassisted electric field poling Photoisomerization photo-assisted poling Photothermal poling Piezoelectric poling Piezoelectric polymers poling Pole Charge Pole Figures and Their Expansion Pole approximation Pole at the origin Pole beans Pole conventions Pole density Pole diagrams of two reactions in the same family Pole distribution Pole distribution poles) Pole erasure Pole faces, magnetic Pole figure Pole figure poly Pole figures measurements Pole figures, stereographic projection Pole function Pole gods Pole height Pole ladders Pole measure, principles Pole normalisation Pole number Pole piece Pole placement Pole point Pole point construction Pole procedure Pole representation Pole strength Pole strength, electron propagator Pole tip Pole track width Pole-Jumping activity Pole-at-zero Pole-figure scans Pole-zero (PZ) cancellation Pole-zero coincidences Pole/zero cancellation Poled chromophore-functionalized polymers Poled dendrimers Poled film Poled film coefficient Poled film second harmonic generation Poled host-guest systems Poled photochemical stability Poled polar polymers Poled polymer Poled polymer materials, device research Poled polymers, nonlinear optics, frequency Poled second-order susceptibilities Poled, doped polymers Poled, doped polymers, thermal effects Poled-polymer systems Poles and Zeros Poles defined Poles first order Poles multiple Poles negative Poles of the Green’s functions Poles of transfer function Poling Poling Poling Langmuir-Blodgett technique Poling Subject Poling algorithm Poling anisotropy Poling boards Poling conditions Poling corona Poling efficiency Poling field Poling field limit Poling fields, theoretical models Poling function Poling nonlinear materials Poling of ferroelectric polymers Poling operation Poling photo-induced depoling Poling polymers Poling self-assembly techniques Poling techniques Poling techniques coplanar electrodes Poling temperature Poling treatment Polynomial analysis poles and zeros Positive poles Positive poles, nitration Principle of the pole diagram Production of c and b quarks at the Z pole Pulse pole-zero cancellation Quasi-Phase Matching in Periodically Poled Polymer Films RHP pole Regge pole Regge-pole theory Relevant Parameters for an Efficient All Optical Poling Residues at Multiple Poles Resonance pole Rotor Pole face Salient pole rotor Scattering matrix poles Search for the Magnetic Pole in Antarctica Second poled polymer films Second poling Second-order poles Sequences Corresponding to Various z-Transform Pole Locations Shaded-pole motor Simple pole Single-pole approximation Single-pole formula Single-pole-type heads Singularities pole type South Pole Observatory South Pole Station South Pole, ozone hole South pole Spin Casting, Electric Field Poling, and Lattice Hardening Spindle pole bodies Spindle poles Spot Poled Membrane Hydrophone Design Static Field Poling Stepped pole Switches double pole Switches single pole Switches three-pole switching System poles and zeros Tamping pole Tapered pole Telegraph pole The Integrator Op-amp (pole-at-zero filter) The all pole resonator model Theoretical Models for the Electric Field Poling Thermal poling Thermally assisted poling Thin pole tips Transfer-function poles Transition pole Virtual Geomagnetic Poles Visual tide pole X-ray diffraction pole figure X-ray diffraction poling