SEARCH Articles Figures Tables A Computer-Algebraic Approach to the Derivation of Feynman-Goldstone Perturbation Expansions for Open-Shell Atoms and Molecules Diatomic molecules perturbations Free Energy Perturbation Calculations for Small Molecules Many-body perturbation theory open-shell molecules Orbitals of Diatomic Molecules and Electronegativity Perturbation Perturbation Parameters for the BaS Molecule Perturbation Theory of Molecules Perturbation theory applied to a molecule Perturbation theory polyatomic molecules Perturbation theory tetraatomic molecules Small Molecules to perturb Solid state molecules density functional perturbation theory Synchrotron Radiation Based Perturbed Angular Correlation, SRPAC (Example Whole-Molecule Rotation of FC) Tetraatomic molecules perturbative handling The Perturbation of Solids by Adsorbed Molecules