SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Angular overlap model ligand field theory Axial ligand field Axial ligand field strength Beyond ligand field theory Bonding considerations ligand field theory Bonding theories ligand field Catalysis ligand-field theory Cellular ligand field Cellular ligand field model Chromium complexes ligand field states Chromium, tris ligand field photochemistry Cobalt complexes ligand field states Cobalt ligand field stabilization energy Complex ions ligand field model Complexes ligand field theory Coordination complexes, bonding ligand field Coordination compounds ligand field theory Crystal field ligands Crystal field theory and ligand fields Cubic ligand fields Electronic Structure of Lanthanide Ions in a Ligand Field Energy levels ligand field theory Energy: activation ligand field stabilization Equatorial ligand field strength Excited states ligand field Excited states ligand field theory External magnetic field ligand Five-coordinate geometry ligand field stabilization energies Fluoride ligand field Force fields protein-ligand interactions Glass-transition temperature ligand field models Glass-transition temperature ligand field stabilization energies Griffith ligand field theory Interelectronic Repulsion and Ligand Field Splitting When There Is Ambiguity in the d-Electron Configuration Intermediate octahedral ligand fields Ions, ligand field Iridium complexes ligand field states Isomerism ligand field theory Jorgensens Parametric Representation of Ligand Field Splitting and Interelectronic Repulsion LFSE (ligand field stabilization Laporte-forbidden ligand-field Laporte-forbidden ligand-field transitions Ligand Field Coloration of Glasses Ligand Field Stabilization Energy molecular orbital theory Ligand Field Theory (LFT) Ligand Fields, Bonding and the Valence Shell Ligand field activation energy (LFAE Ligand field calculations Ligand field calculations plastocyanin Ligand field considerations Ligand field effect Ligand field effects, and reaction Ligand field effects, and reaction rates Ligand field energy Ligand field excited Ligand field excited states definition Ligand field excited states examples Ligand field model Ligand field model complexes Ligand field molecular mechanics Ligand field molecular mechanics LFMM) Ligand field orbitals Ligand field parameterization Ligand field parameters Ligand field parameters for distorted environments Ligand field phosphorescence Ligand field photochemistry Ligand field quenching Ligand field spectra Ligand field spectra Tanabe-Sugano diagram Ligand field spectra electronic properties Ligand field spectra splitting parameter Ligand field splitting Ligand field splitting determination Ligand field splitting introduced Ligand field splitting molecular orbital model Ligand field splitting parameter Ligand field splitting tetrahedral complex Ligand field splittings Ligand field stabilisation energy Ligand field stabilization Ligand field stabilization energies complexes Ligand field stabilization energies models Ligand field stabilization energies octahedral compared with tetrahedral Ligand field stabilization energies systems Ligand field stabilization energies, trends Ligand field stabilization energy Ligand field stabilization energy calculation Ligand field stabilization energy formation Ligand field stabilization energy, effect Ligand field states Ligand field states reactivity Ligand field strength Ligand field theory Ligand field theory calculations Ligand field theory classification Ligand field theory description Ligand field theory development Ligand field theory donor ligands Ligand field theory energy level diagram Ligand field theory free ions Ligand field theory method Ligand field theory octahedral fields Ligand field theory planar fields Ligand field theory procedure Ligand field theory results Ligand field theory ruby structure Ligand field theory splitting Ligand field theory structure Ligand field theory, application energy difference Ligand field theory, application symmetry Ligand field therapy Ligand field transitions Ligand field-molecular orbital Ligand field-molecular orbital theory Ligand fields Jahn-Teller distortion Ligand fields crystal field splitting consequences Ligand fields factors affecting Ligand-field activation energy Ligand-field density functional theory Ligand-field interaction Ligand-field potential Ligand-field stabilization energies (LFSE Ligand-field strengths, determination Ligand-field theory multiplet model Ligand-field theory, application Ligand-field wavefunctions Ligands fields of Ligands ligand field effect Ligands ligand-field, redox potential correlation Ligands splitting d orbitals in an octahedral field Low-symmetry ligand fields Luminescence ligand field effect Luminescent ligand field theory Magnetic properties strong-field ligands Magnetic properties weak-field ligands Magnetism ligand field theory Mechanical modelling ligand field stabilization energy Metal ligand-field state Molecular Coordinative Complexes by Ligand Fields Analysis Molecular Orbital and Ligand Field Theories Molecular orbitals ligand field Molecular orbitals ligand field models Mono strong-field axial ligand Nickel complexes ligand field stabilization energies Octahedral ligand field Orbitals and ligand fields Porphyrins ligand field effects Redox correlation with ligand field Resolution ligand field states Rubredoxin ligand field Spin Quenching by Large Ligand Fields Spin-allowed ligand-field transition Splitting d orbitals in an octahedral field of ligands Static Ligand Field Strong ligand fields Subject ligand field Substitution reactions ligand field effect Symmetry-based ligand field parameters Tetrahedral ligand field Tetrahedral ligand field splitting The Ions in a Ligand Field The Ligand Field The Ligand Field Hamiltonian The Primitive Ligand Field Parameterization The Spin Hamiltonian and Ligand-Field Theory Thermodynamic and related aspects of ligand fields Thermodynamic aspects ligand field stabilization energies (LFSE) Transition Metal Ions and their Complexes Ligand Field Theory Transition metals ligand field stabilization energy Transition-metal coordination mechanisms ligand field stabilization Water as weak-field ligand Weak ligand fields Weak-field ligands, transition metal Zeolite ligand field parameters Zeolite ligand fields