SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Acetate alcohol resins, vinyl Acrylic acid-vinyl alcohol-starch graft Ag-Poly(vinyl alcohol) Nanofibers Alcohols, vinylic, oxidation Allyl alcohols vinylation Amphoteric Poly(vinyl alcohol) Hydrogel Chemical copolymers Ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer Chiral vinyl ether alcohols Chiral vinyl ether alcohols synthesis Conformations vinyl alcohol/thiol Cooling Ethylene-vinyl alcohol Copolymers ethylene with vinyl alcohol copolymer Copolymers ethylene-vinyl alcohol ETHYLENE-VINYL ALCOHOL Epoxides, vinyl alcohol protection Epoxides, vinyl reaction with allylic alcohols Ethers, vinyl, reaction with amino-alcohols Ethylene -vinyl alcohol copolymer EVAL) Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol Copolymer - EVOH - Chapter Ethylene vinyl alcohol EVOH) Ethylene vinyl alcohol barrier properties Ethylene vinyl alcohol, packaging Ethylene vinyl alcohol, packaging applications Ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer /thermoplastic starch Ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer EVAL EVOH) Ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer potentials Ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymers (EVOH Ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymers examples of chemical behaviour at room temperature Ethylene-vinyl alcohol surface properties Flame retardants poly(vinyl alcohol) and silicon compounds Of chiral vinyl ether alcohol Oxygen Atoms Near the Top Surface of Ethylene-Vinyl Alcohol Copolymer Poly (vinyl Alcohol) Derivatives Poly and derivatives ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymers Poly vinyl alcohol Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) (PVAL) Poly(vinyl alcohol) fibres Poly[vinyl alcohol oxidant Polyamide 6/ethylene-vinyl alcohol Polyethylene vinyl alcohol Polyethylene-vinyl alcohol plastic Polyethylene-vinyl alcohol plastic EVOH) Polyf vinyl alcohol) Polyfethylene-vinyl alcohol) Preparation of Poly(vinyl Alcohol) Reacetylation of Poly(vinyl Alcohol) Recovery of Methanol and Acetic Acid in Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Production Ring substitution 376 Vinylic alcohol Rubber vinyl alcohol copolymer with ethylene Starch with ethylene vinyl alcohol Starch/ethylene vinyl alcohol blend (SEVA Substitution Reactions of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Sulfoxides, vinyl tertiary allylic alcohols Syn-vinyl alcohol Use of Water-Soluble Amino-Substituted Poly(vinyl alcohol) VAAR (vinyl acetate alcohol resins VINYL ALCOHOL COPOLYMER Vinyl alcohol SEVA-C Vinyl alcohol acidity Vinyl alcohol block copolymers Vinyl alcohol bromide Vinyl alcohol conformations Vinyl alcohol electrostatic interactions Vinyl alcohol from ethylene Vinyl alcohol homopolymer Vinyl alcohol main effects Vinyl alcohol oxidation Vinyl alcohol polymerization Vinyl alcohol polymers Vinyl alcohol reduction Vinyl alcohol results Vinyl alcohol solid support Vinyl alcohol structural parameters Vinyl alcohol structure Vinyl alcohol, and Vinyl alcohol, polymeric, membranes Vinyl alcohol-methyl methacrylate copolymers Vinyl alcohols esters Vinyl alcohols ethers Vinyl alcohols groups Vinyl alcohols synthesis Vinyl alcohols via retro Diels-Alder reactions Vinyl esters, reaction with alcohols Vinyl ether alcohols/esters, asymmetric Vinyl polymers polyvinyl alcohol Vinylation alcohols Vinylic alcohols, structural features