SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Aeppli and C. Broholm, Magnetic correlations in heavy-fermion systems neutron scattering from single crystals Anticommutation relations for fermions Boson distinguished from fermions Boson-fermion Boson-fermion symmetry Bosonic-fermionic degeneration Bosons and fermions Bulk heavy-fermion compounds Electron fermion statistics Elementary fermions Elementary fermions electron Elementary fermions leptons Elementary fermions quarks Fermi /fermions Fermi hole fermion Fermion annihilation operator Fermion antisymmetry Fermion creation operator Fermion dynamical symmetry Fermion dynamical symmetry model Fermion field Fermion four-current density Fermion functions Fermion functions degeneracy Fermion irreducible representations Fermion irreps Fermion lines Fermion operator Fermion postulate Fermion sign problem Fermion states, 0 corrections Fermion states, 0 electrodynamics Fermion wavefunctions Fermion, definition Fermion-like operator Fermionic annihilation operator Fermionic character of Frenkel excitons in one-dimensional molecular crystals Fermionic condensate Fermionic creation operator Fermionic degenerate state Fermionic masses Fermionic matter Fermionic reservoirs Fermionic sign problem Fermionic sign problem quantum Monte Carlo Fermionic systems Fermions electronic wave functions Fermions system Fermions, antisymmetrized states Fermi—Dirac distribution fermions, Pauli principle Free Fermions Gauge field fermion Lagrangian Grewe and F. Steglich, Heavy fermions Heavy Fermion Systems as Ternary Intermetallics with Extraordinary Properties Heavy electron, fermion Heavy fermion CeAlj Heavy fermion charge fluctuations Heavy fermion materials Heavy fermion phonons Heavy fermion superconductivity Heavy fermion superconductors Heavy fermion superconductors relaxation Heavy-fermion Heavy-fermion antiferromagnet Heavy-fermion behavior Heavy-fermion behaviour Heavy-fermion compounds Heavy-fermion quantum criticality Heavy-fermion state Heavy-fermion superconductor Heavy-fermion systems Helicity fermions High-energy spinless fermion model Inclusion of all fermions Interactions between fermions and gauge bosons Introduction of Uranium-Based Heavy Fermion Superconductors Invariance with respect to permutation of identical particles (fermions and bosons) K.H. Fischer, Valence-fluctuation and heavy-fermion 4f systems Left-handed fermions Magnetic Ordering and Paramagnetic Relaxation in Heavy Fermion Superconductors Magnetic correlations in heavy-fermion Magnetic correlations in heavy-fermion systems Many-fermion system Mapping procedure, from fermion onto Mapping procedure, from fermion onto boson space Models noninteracting fermions Neutron in heavy-fermion systems Noninteracting Fermions Phenomenological approach to heavy-fermion systems Pseudo fermion Right-handed fermions Scattering of two fermions due to Z exchange Spin angular momentum of fermions Spinless fermion model Ultracold fermionic gases Uranium-based heavy fermion Uranium-based heavy fermion superconductors Valence heavy fermion Wachter, Intermediate valence and heavy fermions Wave function fermionic