SEARCH Articles Figures Tables A Simple Valence Bond Description of Coordinate Bonds Assembling Porphyrin Arrays via Coordinative Bonding Atom bond coordinate covalent Bond Distances and Coordination Analysis Bond Lengths and Coordination Number Bond displacement coordinates Bond dissociation energies, first-shell coordination Bond distances coordination compounds Bond distances, coordination complexes Bond graphs and coordination number Bond lengths coordinate systems Bond properties coordinate covalent Bond strength, metal-sulfur coordination Bond, bridge coordinate Bond, chemical coordinate Bonding Theories for Coordination Compounds Bonding coordinate Bonding coordinate Bonding coordinate covalent Bonding coordinate covalent bond Bonding coordination polyhedra, role Bonding in Coordination Compounds Crystal Field Theory Bonding in Transition Metal Compounds and Coordination Complexes Bonding in coordination complexes Bonding in coordination compounds Bonds in coordination compounds CO2 Coordination to Metal Centres Modes of Bonding and Reactivity Chemical bond coordinate covalent Chemical bonding, transition metal coordination Complex ions coordinate bonding Complexes coordinate bonds Coordinate Links and Electron Donor-Acceptor Bonds Coordinate bond INDEX Coordinate bond energy Coordinate bond formation Coordinate bond molecular orbital Coordinate bond theory Coordinate bond-bonding models Coordinate bond-bonding models crystal field theory Coordinate bond-bonding models field theory Coordinate bond-bonding models molecular orbital theory Coordinate covalent bond, with acids Coordinate covalent bonds Coordinate covalent bonds ammonia molecule Coordinate covalent bonds definition Coordinate covalent bonds formation Coordinate covalent bonds nitrogen atom Coordinate covalent bonds orbital Coordinate covalent bonds structure Coordinate metal-ligand bonding Coordinated bonds Coordinately bonded pyridine Coordination Chemistry of Ligands Containing Phosphorus-Chalcogen Bonds Coordination bond Coordination bond rupture Coordination bonding Coordination bonding Coordination bonds, between transition Coordination bonds, dipole moments Coordination chemistry bonding Coordination chemistry valence bond theory Coordination complexes, bonding Coordination complexes, bonding energy levels Coordination complexes, bonding ligand field Coordination compounds bonding Coordination compounds coordinate-covalent bonds Coordination compounds metal-ligand bond Coordination compounds valence bond approach Coordination compounds valence bond theory Coordination coordinate covalent bonds Coordination networks hydrogen bonded second sphere Coordination of Aliphatic C-H Bonds (Agostic Interactions) Coordination-number-bond-strength Coordination-number-bond-strength relationship Coordinative bonding Coordinative bonding Coordinative bonding ability Coordinative bonding approach Coordinative bonding coordinate Coordinative bonding coordinate Coordinative bonding, energy Coordinative bonds Coordinative metal-ligand bonding Coordinative polymer bond Covalent Bond Classification coordinate Covalent bond, coordinated Crystal engineering using coordination bonds Direct bonding between centers coordination Double bonds coordination Electrophilic Attack on Coordinated Double Bond Systems Electrophilic Attack on Coordinated Double Bonds Five-coordinate platinum complexes hydrogen bonds Gas-phase coordination chemistry, ligand bond disruption H Bond Coordination and Activation Hydroformylation catalysts, selective coordinative bonding Hydrogen bond coordination number Hydrogen bonding metal coordinated alteration Hydrogen bonds/bonding coordination polymers Hydrogen-bond interaction-driven coordination Inorganic chemistry coordinate bond-bonding models Ionic, Covalent and Coordinate (or Dative) Bonding Lattice Parameters, A Site Coordination, and Bond Valence Analysis in (Y,REE) Orthoaluminates Lewis acids coordination bonds Lewis bases coordination bonds Ligands coordination bonds Magnesium—oxygen bonds coordination number Metal coordination bond Metal-ligand bond rupture, coordinated Metal-ligand coordination bonds Metal-nitrogen coordination bonds Molecular hydrogen, coordinate bond Molecular structure coordinate covalent bonds Noncovalent coordination bond Nucleophilic Attack on Coordinated Double Bonds Reactions Which Occur at the Coordinated Triple Bond Reactions in Which the Coordinated Triple Bond Is Unaffected Saddle point coordinates hydrogen bonds Si-H bond coordinated Stretching coordinates hydrogen bonds, bond vibrations Structure and Bonding in Coordination Compounds Structure and bonding of H2 coordination compounds Sulfur bonding properties, coordination number Supramolecular coordinative bonding Symmetry coordinates bonding analysis Terpolymer Functionalization Strategies Combing Hydrogen Bonding, Metal Coordination, and Pseudorotaxane Formation The Coordinate Bond The Coordinative Bond in Complexes The coordinated bond Theories of Bonding in Coordination Compounds Tin Electronic Structure, Bonding Type, and Coordination Transition metal complexes (coordination valence bond theory Transition metal coordinate bonding Unusual Bonds and Coordination Geometries Valence bond description coordinate bonds Valence bond theory coordinates