SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 1,10-Phenanthroline, complexes with rare metals Alkali metal rare earth bromides and chlorides Alkyl rare-earth metal complexes Aluminium rare earth metals Anodized anti-corrosion coatings for aluminium using rare earth metals Applications rare earth metals Binary Alloys of Rare Earth and Transition Metals Bisoxazolinato rare earth metal Bisoxazolinato rare earth metal complexes Borides, rare-earth metal Cationic alkyl rare-earth metal complexes Chemistry of rare-earth metals Chiral rare-earth metal triflates Clusters rare earth metals Complexes with rare earth metals Corrosion inhibition with rare earth metal compounds in aqueous solutions Crystal structures of the rare-earth metals Diborides rare metal Diffusion in rare earth metals Divalent rare earth metals Early Transition and Rare Earth Metal Complexes with N-Heterocyclic Carbenes Electronic structure of rare earth metals Elements, 2, 5-7 actinide series metals, 37 rare-earth Emissivity, rare earth metals Fractional rare earth metals Gadolinium as Prototype of a Rare Earth Metal Garcia and M. Faucher, Crystal field in non-metallic (rare earth) compounds Gasgnier, The intricate world of rare earth thin films metals, alloys, intermetallics, chemical compounds General Structures and Properties of EMFs Encapsulating Rare Earth Metals Group 3 and rare earth metal catalysts Hydrazinium rare earth metal Hydride rare earth metal Hydrogen in rare-earth metals, including RH2 phases Immobilization of Rare-Earth Metal (Silyl)amide Complexes Immobilized rare-earth metal complex Lanthanides rare earth metal catalysts Lewis rare earth metal Matsuoka and C. Iwakura, Rare earth intermetallics for metal-hydrogen batteries Melting point of rare earth metals Metal complexes, rare earth Metalloid rare earth metals Metals rare earths Metals rare-earth elements Mining rare earth metals Organo rare earth metal initiated living Organo rare earth metal initiated living monomers Organo rare earth metal initiated living polymerization Organo rare earth metal initiated living polymerization of polar and nonpolar Organo-rare-earth metal complexes Outlook for rare earth based metal hydrides and NiMH rechargeable batteries Oxygen on Rare Earth Metal Surfaces Periodic rare earth metals Phosphor, 140 rare earth metals Physical Properties of the Rare Earth Metals Polar monomers, organo rare earth metal Poly rare earth metal complexes Poly rare-earth metal catalysts Polymer rare earth metal catalysts Post-metallocene rare earth metal Post-metallocene rare earth metal catalysts Preparation of rare earth metals Production of rare earth metals Properties of Rare-Earth Metals Pure rare earth metals and Quaternary Rare-earth Metal Chalcoarsenites and Antimonites Quaternary Rare-earth Metal Chalcophosphates Quaternary Rare-earth Metal Chalcotrielates and Tetrelates Radioactive rare metals Rare Earth Metal Based Catalysts Rare Earth Metal-Catalyzed Reactions Rare Earth-Alkali metal heterobimetallic Rare Earth-Alkali metal heterobimetallic complexes Rare earth element corrosion-resistant metallic Rare earth metal NHC complexes Rare earth metal amides Rare earth metal aqueous chemistry Rare earth metal based catalyst systems Rare earth metal carboxylate complexes Rare earth metal catalysts Rare earth metal cations Rare earth metal chelates Rare earth metal chlorides Rare earth metal complexes bonding Rare earth metal complexes carbodiimide addition Rare earth metal complexes catalytic applications Rare earth metal complexes coupling Rare earth metal complexes ligands Rare earth metal complexes polymerization reactions Rare earth metal complexes reactivity Rare earth metal compounds Rare earth metal compounds aqueous systems Rare earth metal compounds precipitation Rare earth metal compounds solutions Rare earth metal coordination chemistry Rare earth metal corrosion inhibitor Rare earth metal corrosion inhibitor protection Rare earth metal corrosion inhibitor research Rare earth metal exchanged Y-type zeolite Rare earth metal extraction from dilute Rare earth metal films Rare earth metal fundamentals Rare earth metal general Rare earth metal hydrazine Rare earth metal hydrazine carboxylate hydrates Rare earth metal hydroxides Rare earth metal preparation Rare earth metal protection mechanisms Rare earth metal separation Rare earth metal silyls Rare earth metal species Rare earth metal specific Rare earth metal usage Rare earth metal-containing Rare earth metal-containing polymers Rare earth metal-peroxide Rare earth metals Lutetium Neodymium Praseodymium Rare earth metals Ytterbium Rare earth metals cation exchange resins Rare earth metals extraction Rare earth metals occurrence and preparation Rare earth metals yttrium Rare earth metals, general properties Rare earth-transition metal Rare earth-transition metal glass Rare earth-transition metals-carbon Rare earths, metallic Rare gases on metals Rare metal chlorides Rare metal crystals Rare metal fluorides Rare metal oxides Rare metal powder Rare metals extraction Rare metals scarcity Rare-Earth Metal Complexes as Catalysts for Syndiospecific Styrene Polymerization Rare-earth central metals Rare-earth metal complexes, stabilization Rare-earth metal overlayers Rare-earth metal salts Rare-earth metal triflates Rare-earth metal triflates trifluoromethanesulfonates) Rare-earth metal-mediated bimetallic Rare-earth metal-mediated bimetallic cleavage Rare-earth metals metallothermic reduction Rare-earth metals, crystalline forms Rare-earth metals, halides Rare-earth metals, organometallic Rare-earth metals, organometallic compounds Rare-earth metals, oxides Rare-earth-metal clusters, magnetism Reduced rare-earth metal halides Reserves rare earth metals Scattered rare metals Skolozdra, Stannides of rare-earth and transition metals Solid rare gases alloyed with metals Steel, rare earth metals Structural and Electronic Properties of Rare Earth Metal Systems Sundstrdm, Low temperature heat capacity of the rare earth metals Sundstrom ow temperature heat capacity of the rare earth metals Sundstrom, Low temperature heat capacity of the rare earth metals Surface tension liquid rare earth metals The rare earth metals Transition Metals and Rare Earths Triiodide (And Other Rare Earth Metal Triiodides) Tunable multifunctional corrosion-resistant metallic coatings containing rare earth elements Using electrochemical and surface analytical techniques to evaluate corrosion protection by rare earth metal (REM) compounds Vapor pressure rare earth metals Zintl phases with rare-earth metals