SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 1.2-Prenyl migrations 3-Prenyl-2-quinolone 4-Methoxy-3-prenyl-2-quinolone 6-Prenylated flavonoids A-Mangostin (prenylated xanthone Allylation and Prenylation Baccharis salicifolia prenyl derivatives from Benzoquinones, prenylated C-Prenylation CAAX protein prenylation CAAX protein prenylation FTase CAAX protein prenylation GGTase CAAX protein prenylation characteristics Carboxylic acids prenyl esters Coumarins, 8-prenylated Deprotection prenyl esters Eriosema compound B (prenylated Flavonoid Prenylation Patterns Flavonoids prenylation Furanocoumarins prenylated Hypericum compound H8 (prenylated In prenylation methods Indole prenylation Indoles prenyl Isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway prenylation Lipid anchors prenylation Monoprenylated flavones 8-prenyl-5-hydroxyflavone fro Nickel-mediated prenylation Organometallic reactions in prenylation methods Parts 22 and 23. Prenylated Phenols, Benzofurans, Chromanes Poly-prenyl pyrophosphate Polymers, from prenyls Polyprenyl phosphates from prenyl trichloroacetimidates Prenyl Prenyl Prenyl Dihydric Phenols Prenyl Grignard reagent Prenyl Monohydric Phenols Prenyl Transfer Prenyl acetate Prenyl acetate, preparation Prenyl alcohol Prenyl amine Prenyl benzoate Prenyl bibenzyls Prenyl bromide Prenyl bromide, reaction with phenols Prenyl chloride Prenyl diphosphate Prenyl diphosphate substrates Prenyl diphosphate synthase Prenyl diphosphates Prenyl esters Prenyl ether Prenyl flavanones Prenyl flavonols Prenyl group Prenyl groups Subject Prenyl halides Prenyl mercaptan Prenyl naphthoquinone Prenyl pyrophosphate Prenyl quinones Prenyl sesquiterpenes Prenyl side chains Prenyl substituents Prenyl transferase reactions Prenyl transferase, inhibition Prenyl transferases Prenyl vitamins Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol as cytomegalovirus protease Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol as photosensitizer Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol biological activities Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol identification Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol interconversion Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol isolation Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol metal complexes Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol paphthoquione derivatives Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol reactivity Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol structural elucidation Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in Hodgkins disease Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in cancer Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in colds Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in debilitating Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in diabetes Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in dysentery Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in fevers Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in flu Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in gastro-intestinal problem Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in infections Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in lupus Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in osteomyelitis Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in psoriasis Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in skin ulcerations Prenyl-naphthoquinone lapachol use in syphilis Prenyl-protein transferases Prenyl-quinolones and Related Tricyclic Alkaloids Prenylated benzophenones Prenylated bichalcones Prenylated chalcone Prenylated chalcone from hops Prenylated coumaric acids Prenylated flavanones Prenylated flavones Prenylated flavonols Prenylated isoflavones Prenylated phenolic compounds Prenylated phenols Prenylated phenylpropanoids Prenylated proteins Prenylated quinones Prenylated xanthone Prenylated xanthones Prenylation Prenyltransferases Prenylation methods Prenylation methods by alkali metals Prenylation methods by chromanes Prenylation methods by silver oxide method Prenylation methods in basic media Prenylation methods of 1,3-dimethoxybenzene Prenylation of Proteins and Other Compounds Prenylation of proteins Prenylation process Prenylation, indoles Prenylations Prenylations Protecting groups prenyl esters Protecting groups, deprotection prenyl esters Protein prenylation Protein prenylation FTase Protein prenylation farnesylation Protein prenylation farnesyltransferase Protein prenylation geranylgeranyltransferase Protein prenylation inhibitors Protein prenylation isoprenoid analogs Protein prenylation isoprenoid derivatives Protein prenylation reactions Protein prenylation specificity Reverse prenyl group S-prenylation Silver oxide method in prenylation methods Statins prenylation Stilbene prenylated Synthesis of Prenyl Oxygen Ring Phenolic Compounds Xanthones, prenyl derivs Y-Mangostin (prenylated xanthone