SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 18-electron complexes ligand substitution 18-electron complexes ligand substitution mechanism Acetylene complexes ligand substitution Alkyl-Substituted Ligands Arene ligand reactivity nucleophilic substitution Aryl-Substituted Ligands Assisted Ligand Substitution Reactions Associative Ligand Substitution Reactions and the Berry Rearrangement Associative Substitution by Pentadienyl Ligand Ring Slip Associative ligand exchange square-planar substitution reactions Associative ligand substitution Associative ligand substitution Kinetics Associative ligand substitution Mechanism Associative ligand substitution Stereochemistry Associative ligand substitution reactions Associative ligand substitution trans Effect Asymmetric ligands allylic derivatives, substitution reactions, chiral Axial ligand substitution reactions Axial ligands, substitution properties Blood substitutes ligand binding Bond dissociation energies ligand substitution process Bridging ligands substitution CARBONYLS, PHOSPHINE COMPLEXES, AND LIGAND SUBSTITUTION REACTIONS Carbonyl ligands substitution reactions Carboxamido substituted heterocyclic ligands Catalysts/catalysis ligand substitution Catalysts/catalysis ligand substitution reactions Catalytic processes ligand substitution Catalyzed ligand substitution reactions Cationic metal carbonyls ligand substitution reactions Chemical reactivity ligand substitution Chiral ligands allylic derivatives, substitution reactions Chromium complexes ligand substitution reactions Chromium ligand substitution reactions Cobalamins ligand substitution reactions Cobalt complexes ligand substitution Cobalt complexes, ligand substitution reactions Cobalt ligand substitution reactions Conformations, ligand ring substitution Coordination chemistry ligand substitution reactions Coordination compounds ligand substitution Copper ligand substitution Dissociative ligand substitution Dissociative ligand substitution reactions Dissociative ligand substitution reactions aqua ions Electrocatalysis ligand substitution First order kinetics ligand substitution reactions Formation Involving Unsubstituted Metal Ions Multidentate Ligand Substitution Further Ligands Used in Ir-Catalyzed Allylic Substitutions Germanium compounds ligand substitution Gold compounds ligand substitution Group 5 metal halide clusters ligand substitution Grubbs ligand substitution Halides ligand substitution Heteroatom-substituted secondary phosphine oxide ligands Hydride complexes ligand substitutions INDEX ligand substitution Induced ligand substitution Interchange ligand substitution reactions Intimate mechanisms of ligand substitution Iridium ligand substitution reactions Iron complex ligand substitution Iron complexes ligand substitution reactions Iron compounds ligand substitution Iron-sulfur clusters ligand substitution Kinetics ligand substitution Labile transition-metal ions, ligand substitution Lanthanides ligand substitutions Ligand Dissociation and Substitution Ligand Exchange and Substitution Ligand Substitution Reactions in Aqueous Solution Ligand Substitution Reactions in Carbonyl Metal Clusters Ligand Substitution in Transition Metal ir-Complexes Ligand Substitution in Transition Metal w-Complexes Ligand Substitution on Labile Transition-Metal Ions Ligand exchange/substitution Ligand exchange/substitution associative Ligand exchange/substitution dissociative Ligand exchange/substitution interchange Ligand interactions substitution Ligand substitution by ion exchange in non-aqueous solvents Ligand substitution in octahedral complexes Ligand substitution in square planar complexes Ligand substitution labile terminal ligands Ligand substitution linker ligands Ligand substitution mechanisms Ligand substitution mechanisms complexes Ligand substitution mechanisms factors controlling Ligand substitution mechanisms square-planar, 16-electron Ligand substitution organometallic systems Ligand substitution rate constant Ligand substitution reactions Ligand substitution reactions aluminum Ligand substitution reactions associative mechanism Ligand substitution reactions bismuth Ligand substitution reactions cadmium Ligand substitution reactions compounds Ligand substitution reactions coordinated ligands Ligand substitution reactions copper Ligand substitution reactions dissociative mechanism Ligand substitution reactions exchange Ligand substitution reactions gallium Ligand substitution reactions gold Ligand substitution reactions high oxidation state complexes Ligand substitution reactions indium Ligand substitution reactions inert octahedral complexes Ligand substitution reactions interchange mechanism Ligand substitution reactions iron Ligand substitution reactions lanthanides Ligand substitution reactions mercury Ligand substitution reactions model mechanisms Ligand substitution reactions nickel Ligand substitution reactions nonsymmetrical Ligand substitution reactions nucleophilic attack Ligand substitution reactions osmium Ligand substitution reactions photochemical Ligand substitution reactions platinum Ligand substitution reactions rhodium Ligand substitution reactions rhodium complexes Ligand substitution reactions ruthenium Ligand substitution reactions ruthenium complexes Ligand substitution reactions square-planar complexes Ligand substitution reactions supramolecular chemistry Ligand substitution reactions transition metal complexes Ligand substitution reactions zinc Ligand substitution reactions, classification Ligand substitution reactivity Ligand substitution solvent exchange reactions Ligand substitution stereochemistry Ligand substitution, kinetic control Ligand substitution, metals/metal complexes Ligand substitution, photo Ligand substitutions abstractions Ligand substitutions defined Ligand substitutions overview Ligand substitutions some general points Ligand sugar-substituted Ligand synthesis nucleophilic substitution Ligand-assisted substitution Ligands nonbridging, substitution Ligands perfluoroalkyl-substituted Ligands substituted cyclopentadienyl Ligands substitution, nitric oxide Ligands substitutive-type nomenclature Ligands with fluorine-substituted aryl groups Mechanisms of ligand substitution reactions Mechanisms of ligand substitution reactions general considerations Mechanisms of ligand substitution reactions postscript Metal carbonyls ligand substitution reactions Metal complexes ligand substitution mechanisms Metal ions ligand substitution Metal-carbene complexes ligand substitution reactions Mixed-ligand complexes substitution Mixed-metal clusters ligand substitution Molybdenum complexes ligand substitution Multidentate ligand, substitution Multidentate ligand, substitution reactions Multidentate ligands, lead substitution Multidentate ligands, lead substitution reactions New Chiral Ligands Based on Substituted Heterometallocenes Nickel complexes ligand substitution reactions Nucleophilic substitution ligand attacks Nucleophilic substitutions ligands Olefin complexes dissociative ligand substitutions Organosilyl-substituted w-ligands migration of silyl groups Other Assisted Ligand Substitutions Other Ligand Substitutions Overview of Ligand Substitution Oxide ligand substitution Palladium associative ligand substitutions Palladium asymmetric allylic substitutions, phosphine ligands Palladium complexes ligand substitutions Palladium ligand substitutions Phosphine ligands nucleophilic substitution Phosphoramidite ligands substitution Phosphorus ligands, alkyl substituted Photochemical ligand substitution Photochemical ligand substitution changes Photochemical ligand substitution isomerization Photochemical ligand substitution mechanisms Photochemical ligand substitution photophysical properties Photochemical ligand substitution spectra Pseudo-first order kinetics, ligand substitution Pseudo-first order kinetics, ligand substitution reactions Quadruple bonds ligand substitution Second order kinetics ligand substitution reactions Selenium ligands substitution reactions Solution methods ligand substitution reactions Sonochemical ligand substitution Sonochemical ligand substitution temperatures Square-planar substitution reactions ligand exchange Square-planar substitution reactions nucleophilic ligand Statistical Ligand Substitution Stereospecific ligand substitution Substituted Carbonyls Containing Four-Electron Group IVB Ligands Substituted Carbonyls Containing Six-Electron Group IVB Ligands Substituted Carbonyls Containing Three-Electron Group IVB Ligands Substituted Carbonyls Containing Two-Electron Group IVB Ligands Substituted pyrrolyl ligands Substitution Reactions of Noncarbene Ligands Substitution and Exchange Reactions of CO Ligands Substitution in Carbonyls Replacement of other Ligands Substitution ligand rearrangement Substitution of CO ligands Substitution of Coordinated Ligands with Olefins Substitution of Ligands at the Transition Metal Substitution of Unidentate Ligands Substitution of Weakly Bound Ligands in 18-Electron Complexes Substitution of carbonyl ligands Substitution of ligand Substitution reactions ligand field effect Substitution reactions without metal-ligand bond cleavage Substitutions of Other Ligands Thallium complexes ligand substitutions Transition metal ions ligand substitution Transition metal ions ligand substitution reactions Triruthenium complexes, axial ligand substitution Trispyrazolylborate substituted ligands Vinylidene ligand substitution