SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Absorption spectra of lanthanide and actinide ions Amino acids lanthanide ions An Overview of Monodimensional Lanthanide Chains Based on Anisotropic Ions Aqueous media lanthanide ions Binding lanthanide ion Color characteristics lanthanide ions Complexes lanthanide ions Coordination lanthanide ions Coordination sites lanthanide ions Coordination sites luminescence, lanthanide ions Crystal field splitting lanthanide ions Detection lanthanide ions Divalent lanthanide ions Divalent lanthanide ions ground state Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy, lanthanide ions Electronic Structure of Lanthanide Ions in a Ligand Field Electronic spectra lanthanide ions Electronic structure lanthanide ions, luminescence Electronic structure of the lanthanide and actinide ions Electronic transitions, lanthanide laser ions Emission spectra lanthanide ions Energy Level Diagrams for the Lanthanide Ions, and their Electronic Spectra Energy level diagrams lanthanide ions F-lanthanide ions Ground state lanthanide ions Hydration Numbers for Lanthanide Ions Hydration enthalpies, lanthanide ions Hydroxy lanthanide ions Ionic crystals, lanthanide ions LANTHANIDE IONS stability constants LANTHANIDE IONS synthesis LANTHANIDE IONS titrations LANTHANIDE IONS toxicity LANTHANIDE IONS transmetallation LANTHANIDE IONS versatility LANTHANIDE IONS water Lanthanide (Ln) Ions Lanthanide aqua ions Lanthanide aqua ions hydration number Lanthanide aqua ions stability Lanthanide aqua ions structures Lanthanide complexes encapsulated ions Lanthanide element ions Lanthanide elements aquo ions Lanthanide ion emissions Lanthanide ion probe spectroscopy Lanthanide ions angular momentum Lanthanide ions applications Lanthanide ions atomic orbitals Lanthanide ions biological analysis Lanthanide ions catalysis Lanthanide ions charge transfer Lanthanide ions coordination chemistry Lanthanide ions coordination numbers Lanthanide ions electron configurations Lanthanide ions electronic structure Lanthanide ions encapsulation Lanthanide ions energy levels Lanthanide ions excitation Lanthanide ions lifetimes Lanthanide ions luminescence Lanthanide ions luminescent probes Lanthanide ions luminescent properties Lanthanide ions magnetic properties Lanthanide ions magnetism Lanthanide ions medical diagnostics Lanthanide ions orbitals Lanthanide ions organic ligands Lanthanide ions organic radicals, magnetism Lanthanide ions paramagnetism Lanthanide ions phosphorescence Lanthanide ions photonics Lanthanide ions photophysical properties Lanthanide ions photophysics Lanthanide ions probes Lanthanide ions properties Lanthanide ions purification Lanthanide ions quantum yield Lanthanide ions radicals Lanthanide ions radii Lanthanide ions redox potentials Lanthanide ions sensitization Lanthanide ions sensitizing ligands Lanthanide ions sensors Lanthanide ions shift reagents Lanthanide ions solubility Lanthanide ions solvent effects Lanthanide ions solvento complexes Lanthanide ions spin-orbit coupling Lanthanide ions stability Lanthanide ions visible emission Lanthanide ions with sulfur donor ligands Lanthanide ions, complexing Lanthanide ions, fluorescence properties Lanthanide ions, hydrated Lanthanide ions, structure Lanthanide ions, upconversion Lanthanide metal ions, alginic acid Lanthanide metal ions, alginic acid binding Lanthanide, and yttrium metal ions Lanthanides aquo ions Lanthanides trivalent ions Lasers lanthanide ions Ligands lanthanide ions Ligands lanthanides ions with sulfur Lighting applications, lanthanide ions Luminescence Properties of the Lanthanide Ions Luminescence lanthanide ions/complexes Luminescence of lanthanide ions Luminescent lanthanide ions METAL-ORGANIC FRAMEWORKS lanthanide ions Magnetic moments, lanthanide ions Magnetism of lanthanide and actinide ions Membranes lanthanide ions Metal ions trivalent lanthanides Near-infrared emission lanthanide ions Optical lanthanide ions Orbitals lanthanide ions, magnetism Patterns in Hydration Energies (Enthalpies) for the Lanthanide Ions Photochemistry of Lanthanide Ions Photosubstitution Reactions of Lanthanide Ions Properties of Lanthanide(III) Ions Properties of the lanthanide ions RNA by lanthanide ions Redox/reduction potentials lanthanide ions Sabbatini, M. Guardigli and I. Manet, Antenna effect in encapsulation complexes of lanthanide ions Salts lanthanide ions Sensing/sensors lanthanide ions Shift reagents paramagnetic lanthanide ions Spin single lanthanide ions Substitution on Complexes of the Trivalent Lanthanide Ions Sulfur donor ligands lanthanide ions Transition-Metal and Lanthanide Ion Colors Transitions lanthanide ion luminescence Transitions lanthanide ions Trivalent Lanthanide and Actinide Ions Trivalent lanthanide ions, magnetic Trivalent lanthanide ions, magnetic moments