SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Catenanes three-state Conical intersections three-state molecular system Controller, second-integral three-state Corresponding states principle three-parameter Corresponding states three-parameter Double-three-membered-ring transition state Electronic states more than three electrons Enzyme three-state model Logic three-state Matter three states Model Experiments for the Three States of Matter Non-adiabatic coupling three-state matrix quantization Non-adiabatic coupling three-state system analysis Quantization three-state case Quantization three-state systems States of matter The three different forms Steady states three-dimensional Steady-State, Three-Dimensional, Axially Symmetric with Structure, three-dimensional molten globule state The Three States of Matter Three Identical Sites on a Polymer Having Two Conformational States Triplet Correlations Three States of Matter Three electron bond system, spin states Three state conical intersections Three-center transition state Three-state buffers Three-state controller Three-state gate Three-state intersection Three-state jump model Three-state model Three-state model, 111 stoichiometry Three-state molecular system, non-adiabatic Three-state molecular system, non-adiabatic extended Born-Oppenheimer equations Three-state molecular system, non-adiabatic minimal diabatic potential matrix Three-state molecular system, non-adiabatic noninteracting conical intersections Three-state molecular system, non-adiabatic numerical study Three-state molecular system, non-adiabatic quantization Three-state molecular system, non-adiabatic sign flip derivation Three-state molecular system, non-adiabatic strongly coupled conical Three-state molecular system, non-adiabatic theoretical-numeric approach Three-state molecular system, non-adiabatic transformation matrices Three-state system Three-state system calculation Three-state system numerical study Three-state system quasiclassical trajectory Three-state system semiclassical calculation Three-state system sign flip derivation Three-state system strongly coupled conical Three-state system trajectory calculation Three-state system transformation matrices Water three states