SEARCH Articles Figures Tables A Equilibria between Isomeric Ions Differing in the Site of Proton Attachment Anhydrase Shuttling the Protons Carbocation Generation The Role of Protonation Complications Caused by Protonation at the Wrong Site Conjugate acid The species formed when proton is added to a base Conjugate acid-base pair Two species related to each other by the donating and accepting of a single proton Current, Poor Proton Transport in the CCL Electron Transport Creates an Electrochemical Potential Gradient for Protons across the Inner Membrane Excited State Proton Transfer (ESPT) from the Neutral Chromophore Experiments for the Direct Observation of Proton Spin-Diffusion Formation of the Boundary Layer Enriched in Protons Ground State Protonation Equilibria of the AvGFP Chromophore Hypothesis on the Mechanism of Proton Transport in Biological Membranes Incoherent neutron scattering studies of proton conductors from the anhydrous solid state to aqueous solutions Measuring the true proton conductivity NMR of water protons (the enhancement factor) Nuclei other than the proton On the mechanism of proton translocation One More Step in Understanding Proton Mobility The Conway, Bockris, and Linton (CBL) Theory Oxyacid An acid in which the acidic proton PROTON TRANSFER AND THE PRINCIPLES OF STABILITY Physical nature of the solvent induced proton transfer Proton Abstraction Monosubstitution of the Aryne Proton Binding The Simplest Cation Proton Donors on the Cationic Polymerization of Epoxides Proton NMR Spectrum of the Model Compound Proton Transfer Reactions and the EVB Model Proton Transfer The ESIPT Mechanism Proton Transfer as the Rate-Determining Step Proton Transfer in Systems with the Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding Proton Transfer in the Solid State Proton Transfer to a Hydridic Hydrogen in the Solid State Proton Transfers in the Electronic Excited State Proton Transport Near the Polymer-Water Interface Proton tautomerism in the solid state Proton the methylene Proton transfer in condensed phases beyond the quantum Proton transfer in the ground state Proton transfer reactions in the excited state Proton transfers in the transition state Proton translocation models directly involving the Schiff base nitrogen Protonation of the Protonation of the Coordinated Dinitrogen Protonation of the coordinated Protonation of the heteroatom Protonation reactions (and the formation of adducts) Protonation states of the ASP 25, 125 dyad Protonation-induced Intramolecular Electron Transfer in the Ferrocene-Quinone Conjugated System Protonic and Electronic Conductivity in the Catalyst Layer Regions of the proton NMR spectrum Reversal electron current against the proton motion Solvent and Concentration Dependence of the 7-Proton Resonance Synthetic applications of the aqueous aza Diels-Alder reaction involving simple protonated iminium ions Synthetic applications of the aqueous aza Diels-Alder reaction with protonated C-acyl iminium ions Synthetic applications of the asymmetric aqueous aza Diels-Alder reaction with simple protonated iminium ions THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS IS MADE OF PROTONS AND NEUTRONS The Atom Protons, Electrons, and Neutrons The Attached Proton Test (APT) The Bronsted Acidity of Protonic Zeolites The Choice of Dielectric Constant Proton Binding as a Paradigm The Dynamics of Proton Transfers The Effect of Fluorine Substituents on Proton Chemical Shifts The Effect of Proton (Cation) Exchange Level The First 2-Electron-2-Proton Transfer The NOE Through-Space Interactions between Protons The Properties of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons The Proton Condition The Proton Crystal Model The Proton Exchange Membrane The Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) The Proton Transfer Concept The Proton as a Different Sort of Ion The Proton-Promoted Dissolution Reaction The Protonation Mechanism of Ferric-Dioxygen (5) to Cpd The Protonic Concept The Quantum Character of Proton Transfer The Search for a Protonated Cyclopropyl Ring The Stability of a Nucleus Is Determined Primarily by Its Neutron-to-Proton Ratio The Tunnelling Mechanism in Proton Transfer Reactions The differences between carbon and proton NMR The energy-transducing membrane is topologically closed and has a low proton permeability The extent of protonation and deprotonation The free proton The hydrogen ion (proton) The ipso protonation The isotropic proton The lone proton migration mechanism (translocation) The p-process (proton capture) The partial-proton-transfer concept The proton circuit The proton donor-acceptor concept of acids and bases The proton pump The proton-ATPase complex The protonated species of water The protonation of anthracene anion radical by phenol The structures of protonated carboxylic acids and esters Trace Element Analysis is Possible with the Proton Probes Two views on the protonation regioselectivity Using NMR Spectra to Analyze Molecular Structure The Proton Chemical Shift Validity of the WKB Tunneling Probability Expression for Proton Transfer Via rate-limiting proton transfer to give the phenolate Weathering and the Environmental Proton Balance Who Gets the Proton Zero proton condition at the surface