SEARCH Articles Figures Tables General kinetic model and prediction of critical effects Mental Models and Predictive Behaviour Model Predicting Energy Requirement and Product Size Distribution Model predictions and experimental data Model predictions and measured Modeling Predictions Modeling and Life Prediction Modeling and Prediction of Solid Solubility by GE Models Modeling of Chain Dynamics and Predictions for NMR Measurands Modelling predictive Models for Prediction of Incipient Boiling Heat Flux and Wall Superheat Predicted results of the composite model and comparison with experiments Prediction and Extrapolation in the Simple Linear Model Prediction model Prediction of Plasma and Tissue Concentration-Time Profiles by Using the PBPK Modeling Approach Prediction of diffusion coefficients in gases, liquids, amorphous solids and plastic materials using an uniform model Predictions from Model Ecosystem (Microcosm and Mesocosm) Data Predictive Defluidization Models and Operability Maps Predictive Modeling and Rational Catalyst Design Predictive models Resampling Methods for Prediction Error Assessment and Model Selection Skill 1.3c-Predict molecular geometries using Lewis dot structures and hybridized atomic orbitals, e.g., valence shell electron pair repulsion model (VSEPR) Tools for Predictions and Modeling Two-phase model predictions and experimental observations Variable selection and modeling method based on the prediction