SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Algal growth limitation Amino acids, growth limiting Biomass growth limitations Bioreactors oxygen-limited growth Cake growth, limiting Caseinate growth-limiting Cell culture growth limitations Crystal growth diffusion-limited aggregation Diffusion-Limited Aggregation and Growth Diffusion-limited growth Fischer-Tropsch reaction chain growth limit Fractal diffusion limited growth Growth Limited by Heat Conduction and Mass Diffusion Simultaneously Growth heat-transport-limited Growth in size and period of limit cycle Growth limitations Growth limitations Growth limiting substrate Growth limits Growth limits Growth of stable and unstable limit cycles Growth rate mass-transfer-limited regime Heat Conduction-Limited Growth Interface Source-Limited Growth Kinetically limited growth region Limitation bacterial growth rate Limited growth Limited growth Limits to growth Marine ecosystems growth limitation Microbial growth resistance testing limitations Molecular chain growth limit Multiple limited growth Multiple nutrient limited growth Oxygen-limited growth Particle growth limits Phosphorus-limited growth systems Phytoplankton community growth-limiting nutrients Plant growth nutrient limitations Reaction-limited growth