SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 3 -Furanone from methylated sugars Chromatography methylated sugars Demethylation, of methylated sugars Fragmentation partially methylated acetylated sugars Fragmentation partially methylated sugars Glycosides methyl, of the common sugars Jeanloz, Roger W., The Methyl Ethers of 2-Amino-2-deoxy Sugars Methyl ethers of 2-amino-2-deoxy sugars Methyl sugars Methylated sugars Methylation of sugars Methylation, effect on optical activity sugars Of methylated sugars Of partially methylated sugars Permethylated Sample, and Analysis of the Partially Methylated Sugars Separation of methylated sugars Sugars methyl ethers Sugars methylated , identification Sugars, acetates, anomerization methyl ethers