SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Ab Initio Study of Proton Dynamics at Interfaces Background to Proton Studies in Inorganic Materials Excited-state proton transfer, laser studies Incoherent neutron scattering studies of proton conductors from the anhydrous solid state to aqueous solutions Intramolecular proton transfer, laser studies Laser studies, proton transfer Molybdenum complexes protonation studies NMR studies of local motions in fast protonic conductors Neutron scattering studies water protons Other Diffraction Methods Used to Study Proton Transfer Reactions Poly protonation studies Proton Insertion in Polycrystalline WO3 Studied with Electron Spectroscopy and Semi-empirical Calculations Proton NMR studies Proton pump inhibitors observational studies Proton study methods Proton-transfer kinetic studies Protonated hydrates theoretical studies Protonation (Deuteronation) Studies Protons theoretical studies Raman spectroscopic studies of proton conductors Solid-state proton NMR studies of polymers Study 5.1 Mechanistic photochemistry adiabatic proton transfer reactions of 2-naphthol and 4-hydroxyacetophenone Study of Interfacial Proton Transport Studying proton Tentative Study of Proton Dynamics in Crystals with Quasi-linear H-bonds