SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Accumulation of electron density Analysis of electron density Analysis of the Electron Density Distribution Anisotropic distribution, of electron density Calculations of electron-density maps Case 1 Atom on a Metal of Constant Electron Density Charge distribution and electronic density of states Comparison with experiment electronic density of states Conduction electrons density of states Contour plot of the electron density Delocalization of electron density Delocalization of metal electron density Density of States for the Electron Gas Density of electron states Density of electronic states Density-of-states and Basic Electron Partitioning Distance Analysis of Molecular Electron Densities Effect of Electron Density Electron Density Description of Atoms and Molecules Electron Density Studies of Molecular Crystals Electron Density of Transition Metal Complexes Electron Density of a POP Linkage Electron densities of hydrogen atoms Electron density maps of proteins Electron density of proteins Electron-density Maps and Refinement of Protein Structures Electronic Structure of Naked, Ligated and Supported Transition Metal Clusters from First Principles Density Functional Calculations Elements of Electron Density Shape Analysis Entropy Deficiency Partitioning of Many-Electron Densities Equivalence of the electronic wave function and electron density Flow of Electron Density Curved Arrow Notation Fourier Expansion of the Electron Density Fourier synthesis of electron density Functionals of the electronic density Gradient vector field of the electron density Kinetic Energy Density of Electron Cloud Laplacian of electron density Laplacian of the electron density Local density of electronic states Models of Electron Density in Molecules Models, of electron density Node of electron density Optimized structure and valence-electron density of tetragonal ceria-zirconia solid solutions Plasma Absorption and Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves Bouguer Law Critical Electron Density Plot of the electron density Plot of the electron density distribution Probability density, of electron Radial distribution of the electron density Real space refinement, of electron density maps Reciprocal space refinement, of electron density Representation of Electron Density Distribution Resolution of electron density maps Size in terms of electron density Surface electron density of states The Electronic Properties and Density of States The electronic density of states The estimation of net atomic charges from calculated electron densities The interpretation of electron-density maps The resolution of an electron-density map Topic 1.4. Representation of Electron Density by the Laplacian Function Topological analysis of the electron density Topological features of the electron density Topology of Electron Density in Dihydrogen-Bonded Systems from Diffraction Data Topology of the electron density Total electronic density of states Two-dimensional representations of the electron density distribution