SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Atom motions Atom motions Atom motions anharmonicity Atom motions anisotropy Atom motions biological role Atom motions displacements Atom motions harmonic dynamics Atom motions molecular-dynamics simulations Atom motions normal mode contributions Atom motions residue number Atom motions time dependence Atomic Motion and Normal Modes Atomic asphericity and anharmonic thermal motion Atomic motion in solids Atomic motion, interfacial dynamics Atomic orbitals spin motion Atomic scale friction motion Atoms driven motion Atoms relative motion Electronic Motion in the Mean Field Atoms and Molecules Entropy, Heat Capacity, and Vibrational Motion of Atoms in Crystals Equations of Motion and Atomic Force Constants Grain boundaries cooperative atomic motion H-transfers Coupled to Major Heavy Atom Motions Hydrogen heavy atom motions Molecular dynamic simulation atomic motion Motion of Atoms in a Diatomic Chain Protons, self-atomic motions Rearrangements Involving the Relative Motion of Metal Atoms in a Cluster Self-Atomic Motions of Protons Temperature Random Motion of Molecules and Atoms Thermal motion of atoms and molecules Thermal motion, relative mean squared atoms