SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 2-Octulosonic acid phosphate, synthesis Acetyl phosphate synthesis Acyl phosphates synthesis Adenosine 59-phosphate, 0- synthesis Adenosine-5 -phosphate enzymatic synthesis Alkynyl phosphates, synthesis Carbamoyl phosphate arginine synthesis Carbamoyl phosphate citrulline, synthesis Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase synthesis Carbamoyl phosphate, synthesis Carbamyl phosphate, synthesis Carbohydrates, Deoxysugars, and Sugar Phosphate Synthesis Chiral phosphate synthesis Diethyl aryl phosphates, synthesis Dinucleoside phosphates, synthesis Enol phosphates, synthesis Fluorinated phosphates synthesis Fructose-6-Phosphate Aldolase as Catalyst for Iminosugar Synthesis Fructose-6-phosphate synthesis Galactose-1-phosphate synthesis Glucose 1-phosphate glycogen synthesis Glucose 6-phosphate, 2-deoxy-2- fluoro synthesis Glucose 6-phosphate, synthesis Glucose-6-phosphate sucrose synthesis Glutamate 5-phosphate, proline synthesis Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate synthesis Glycosyl phosphates automated synthesis Glycosyl phosphates glycoside synthesis Glycosyl phosphates, synthesis Indium phosphates synthesis Inositol phosphates synthesis Lowe synthesis, phosphate monoesters Molecular sieve phosphates, synthesis Nucleoside sugar phosphates, synthesis One-step Synthesis of L-Fructose Using Rhamnulose-1-phosphate Aldolase in Borate Buffer Oxygen chiral phosphate esters synthesis Oxygen chiral phosphate synthesis PERKOW Vinyl phosphate synthesis Phosphate buffer synthesis Phosphate diesters, synthesis Phosphate esters enzymic synthesis Phosphate esters, synthesis Phosphate monoesters synthesis Phosphites synthesis of phosphates Polyether phosphates, synthesis Polyprenyl phosphates synthesis Pyridoxal phosphate tryptophan synthesis Retinyl phosphate synthesis Riboflavin 5 -phosphate, synthesis Ribose-5-phosphate, synthesis Ribosylamine phosphate synthesis Sedoheptulose-7-phosphate, synthesis Shikimate 3-phosphate aromatic amino acid synthesis Silver phosphates, chemical synthesis Solid-Phase Oligosaccharide Synthesis Using Glycosyl Phosphates Strategy synthesis with glycosyl phosphates Sucrose 6 -phosphate, synthesis Sugar phosphates synthesis Synthesis and Reactivity of Phosphates from RCM Synthesis from enol phosphates Synthesis nano-calcium phosphates Synthesis of Nano-Calcium Phosphates Synthesis of Oseltamivir Phosphate (Tamiflu) Synthesis of Phosphate Esters Synthesis of Sulfonate and Phosphate Esters by PTC Synthesis of inositol phosphates Triaryl phosphates, synthesis Uridine 5 -phosphate, chemical synthesis Use for Nucleotide, Sugar Phosphate, Phospholipid or Phosphoprotein Synthesis Vanadium phosphates synthesis Xylose 5-phosphate, synthesis Xylulose-5-phosphate, synthesis