SEARCH Articles Figures Tables A Truncated Octahedron Alumina octahedra Aluminum octahedron Archimedean solids truncated octahedron Capped octahedra Capped octahedra seven-coordinate compounds Capped octahedron coordination Capped octahedron coordination structures Capped octahedron geometry Capped octahedron structures Carbonyl Clusters Consisting of Fused Octahedra Chiral Octahedra and Cuboctahedra Chiral octahedra Comer sharing octahedrons Coordination cluster shared octahedra Coordination polyhedra octahedron Crystal structure oxygen octahedron CsCl octahedron Cubo-octahedron Edge octahedra Effects in an Octahedron Face octahedra Face-shared octahedra Fe 6 octahedra Framework structures containing octahedra Fused octahedra Illustration 1 Transition Metal Oxides with Vertex-Sharing Octahedra Illustration 3 Transition Metal Monoxides with Edge-Sharing Octahedra Inversion centre in octahedron Layered structures, edge-sharing octahedra Linked Octahedra (Chain Structures) Linked Octahedra (Framework Structures) Linked Octahedra (Network Structures) Linked octahedra Local coordination polyhedra octahedron MO6 octahedra Magnetite octahedra Minimal truncated octahedron Mn 6 octahedra Monocapped octahedron Morphology octahedron Ni octahedra Number 6 Octahedron Octahedra Sharing Edges and Faces Octahedra Sharing Vertices and Edges Octahedra bicapped Octahedra clusters Octahedra distortion Octahedra edge-sharing Octahedra electronic spectra Octahedra elongated Octahedra face-sharing Octahedra magnetic properties Octahedra sharing faces and vertices Octahedra sharing faces only Octahedra sharing faces, edges, and vertices Octahedra sharing only edges Octahedra sharing only vertices Octahedra tilting Octahedra vertex-sharing Octahedra, distorted Octahedra, stacking Octahedra] geometry Octahedral complexes Octahedron, tetragonal Octahedron angular coordinates Octahedron complexes Octahedron cube and Octahedron model Octahedron notations Octahedron orbitals Octahedron reference axis Octahedron relationship to trigonal prism Octahedron structure, truncated Octahedron, crystal field splitting Octahedron, regular Octahedron, self-assembly Octahedron, small supported particle Octahedron, truncated Octahedron, truncated views PCEM octahedron Platonic octahedron Side sharing octahedrons Sodalite truncated octahedron unit Some finite groups of octahedra Structures built from tetrahedra and octahedra Structures with finite clusters of tetrahedra and octahedra Subject regular octahedron Symmetry octahedron TRANSITION METAL COMPLEXES-A STARTING POINT AT THE OCTAHEDRON TT-effects, in an octahedron Tetragonal distortions of the octahedron Tetragonally elongated octahedron Tetrahedron, Cubo-Octahedronal and Octahedron Vertex octahedra Vertex-split Octahedron