SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Adsorption by goethite Al-goethite Anion adsorption goethite Cr-goethite Ferrihydrite and its association with goethite Ferrihydrite association with goethite Ferrihydrite transformation into goethite Goethite Mossbauer Goethite Mossbauer spectra Goethite Mossbauer spectroscopy Goethite Subject Goethite a-FeOOH Goethite acicular Goethite adsorption Goethite adsorption envelope Goethite aggregates Goethite and lepidocrocite Goethite arsenate adsorption Goethite cadmium adsorption Goethite cation substitution Goethite characterization Goethite color Goethite colour Goethite conductivity Goethite crystal morphology Goethite crystal structure Goethite dehydroxylation Goethite dissimilatory reduction Goethite dissolution Goethite domains Goethite electron micrographs Goethite electron microscopy Goethite electrophoretic mobility Goethite equilibria Goethite equilibrium solubility Goethite faces Goethite formation from ferrihydrite Goethite forms Goethite healing Goethite hyperfine parameters Goethite in seawater Goethite in soils Goethite industrial waste Goethite infrared bands Goethite ligand promoted dissolution Goethite magnetic properties Goethite magnetic structure Goethite molybdate adsorption Goethite morphology Goethite multidomainic Goethite natural Goethite nucleation Goethite oxalate adsorption Goethite phosphate adsorption Goethite precipitation Goethite process Goethite properties Goethite reduction Goethite selenite adsorption Goethite solid solutions Goethite solubility Goethite species distribution Goethite specific surface area Goethite spectrum Goethite stability fields Goethite stoichiometric Goethite strengths Goethite structures Goethite substituting ions Goethite substitution Goethite sulphate adsorption Goethite surface Goethite surface area Goethite surface charge Goethite surface charge density Goethite surface complex Goethite surface hydroxyl groups Goethite surface hydroxyls Goethite surface species Goethite system Goethite to hematite Goethite transformation into hematite Goethite twinned Goethite unit cell Goethite unit cell edge Goethite waste Goethite, analysis Goethite, hematite and ferrihydrite Goethite-hematite reaction Goethite-water interface, mechanism Hematite and its association with goethite Iron oxide, precipitation goethite Iron oxides goethite Kinetics goethite-water Lepidocrocite association with goethite Maghemite and goethite to hematite Magnetic particles goethite Mechanisms goethite-water Microcrystalline goethite Mn-goethite Model Runs Using the Site Density of Amorphous Iron Hydroxide and Goethite Multi-domainic goethite Natural goethite and hematite Ni-doped Goethite Nickel system, goethite Phosphate goethite Reduction of Goethite Schwertmannite to goethite Seawater goethite Site density of goethite Soil goethite Substituted goethite Surface proton adsorption goethite Transformation of ferrihydrite to goethite Unit goethite V-goethite With goethite, interaction