SEARCH Articles Figures Tables A Detailed Look at the Hydrogen Bond Donor Features of HFIP Acid-base chemistry hydrogen bond donor Aldol chiral hydrogen bond donors Bifunctional catalysts hydrogen-bond-donor asymmetric Bond donor and acceptor strength Bond properties donor-acceptor Bonds as Electron Donors Bonds as Electron Donors or Acceptors Bonds hydride donor Boron trihalide adducts donor-acceptor bond C-H hydrogen-bond donors CH Donor Hydrogen Bonds Catalysis multiple-hydrogen-bond-donor Chemical bond donor-acceptor Chiral Squaramides as Hydrogen-Bond Donor Catalysts Conventional hydrogen bond donors Coordinate Links and Electron Donor-Acceptor Bonds Cosolvents, hydrogen-bond donor Cyclopentadienes hydrogen-bond donor catalysed Distribution of Atom Types H-bond Donors and Acceptors Donor acceptor isomerism, hydrogen bonds Donor dative-bond wave function Donor-acceptor bond Donor-acceptor bond, effect Donor-acceptor bond, effect crystallization Donor-acceptor bonding Donor-acceptor dyads, hydrogen-bonded Donor-acceptor pairing hydrogen bonding Donor-acceptor polyenes, bond-length Donor-acceptor polyenes, bond-length alternation Donor-acceptor theory of hybridization in ionic bonding Electron Transfer in Hydrogen-Bonded Donor-Acceptor Supramolecules Electron donor-acceptor bonds General Design Information-Storing Molecular Duplexes Based on the Recombination of H Bond Donors and Acceptors Glycosyl donors glycosidic bonds H-bond donor acidity H-bond donors Hydrogen Bond Donor Features of HFIP Hydrogen Bonding Donors and Acceptors Hydrogen bond donor acidity Hydrogen bond donor feature Hydrogen bond donor/acceptor Hydrogen bond donor/acceptor sites Hydrogen bond interactions donor group Hydrogen bonding donors Hydrogen bonds proton donors Hydrogen-bond acceptors interactions with donors Hydrogen-bond donors Hydrogen-bond donors enthalpies Hydrogen-bonded donor-acceptor pairs Hydrogen-bonding donor charged surface Kamlet-Taft hydrogen-bond donor Molecular descriptor hydrogen-bonding donor atoms N-H hydrogen-bond donors Natural bond orbital donor-acceptor interactions Noncovalently Linked Donor-Acceptor Pairings via Hydrogen-Bonding Interaction Number of hydrogen bond donors Organocatalysts hydrogen-bond-donor Organocatalysts hydrogen-bond-donor asymmetric Preorganized hydrogen bond donors Probing H-Bond Donors and Acceptors Proton donors, hydrogen-bonded complexes Sigma bonds electron donors Solvents hydrogen bond donor Structural Effects Derived from M-OH2 Acting as an Intramolecular H-Bond Donor to a Bound Phosphate Ester Structural descriptors hydrogen-bonding donor atoms Valence bond theory donor-acceptor system Water as hydrogen-bond donor