SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Alternative Derivation of the SCF Theory Analytical Derivatives Theory for Molecular Solutes Configurations, derivation from theory Coupled-cluster theory equation derivation DERIVATION OF HARTREE-FOCK THEORY Density functional theory derivatives Derivative Hartree-Fock theory Derivatives Moller-Plesset perturbation theory Derivatives Numerov-Cooley theory Differentiation, derivative Hartree-Fock theory Diffusion theory binary term derivation General derivation of the Kirkwood-Buff theory Graph-theory derived approach Graph-theory derived model Hamiltonian equation derivative Hartree-Fock theory Hyperpolarizabilities derivative Hartree-Fock theory Information theory indices derived from Kohn-Sham theory derivative Many body perturbation theory first derivatives Moller-Plesset perturbation theory derivatives, electronic energy Moller-Plesset perturbation theory second-order energy derivatives Multiple scattering theory derivation Optimal control theory derivation Perturbation theory derived Phase space theory derivation Potential-derived charges theory Quantum Mechanical Force Fields from Ab Initio Data The Theory of Energy Derivatives Quantum mechanics derivation from theory RRKM theory derivation Smith-Ewart theory derivations Terpenoid Derivatives and the Supporting Moiety Theory Theory and Derivation of Basic Equations Time-dependent density functional theory derivation Transition-state theory statistical-mechanical derivation Vector-potential theory derivation